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Should I or should I not?

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Final Heaven

I think previously you guys probably read my entry. For those who didn't here is a short summary. I asked this girl to be my steady and she turn me down. Two days later she called saying the reason she turned me down is because she still can't let go off her ex and she said after time things would change. So I was under the impression that I still have a shot at things,after she explained I thought she just needed time. Right after that for the entire 2 weeks we got really close. Then last week she left for a school trip for 3 days and she came back a changed person. Before she would call now she doesn't even call unless she needed help with something, from then onwards it was only me calling her. Anyways seriously I don't even know where this is going, and just a while ago I woke up and I thought I don't wanna waste anymore time in this, it was either now or never at all cause she obviously knows how I feel about her. So I am here for opinions. Should I try and ask her to be my steady 1 more time, or just leave things for a little while more before asking or just forget about it and leave? Sry if I am sounding stupid, but it's just that I really have noone else to turn to on this matter.

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