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Twisted situation...(VERY LONG)

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:cool: Yo,

I think I am being Played by a girl who used to be a good friend.


It started as an office romance,she however felt diffrently and tried to put me in the FZ.I refused and went with NC which only lasted a week as it was getting in the way of work.After that week she got back with her BF and kept telling me about it,the killer blow was when she told me she thought she might be pregnant.It was a "false alarm" but I wasn't to happy about the way it affected me and relised I had to get out of that job,which I wasted no time about (I need that job back as a matter of fact).


Things were ok,life returned to the way it was before I met her.It was shakey when I'd meet her in the street but kept my head high and stuck with the Limited Contact "Hi there,cya".


Awhile ago I went on a holiday with my friend (Which I enjoyed) I got back and a friend told me that she finished with her Bf.I wasn't to bothered as I didn't think I'd ever speak to her like I used to,I was wrong.One friday night a couple of mates came up and told me "She likes you/she adores you" I wasn't convinced.Well while I was on the dancefloor she came up grabed me by the hand and asked "If I was alright?" I said "Yeah,how about you?" She said "I'm fine" and hugged me....we always used to hug and flirt alot around work but this was painfully nice.After that she said "Stay here,I'll be right back" My bottle crashed and I left for the toilet.


Got my sh*t togther and went back to the dancefloor and she was there.She came up to me and said "I want to go home" I said "You better get a taxi" and quickly left the club.Well the next morning a friend asks me what happened,I told him and he told me that she was crying not long after I left (I think it's a completly unrelated matter,quite possibly the guy that was pulling at her all night).


Finally saturday past,I see her in the same club and I shout her name.She looked round and said "Oh,hi how are you" and sat down not far from me and made a phone call.I was going to apoligize for being rude that friday but there was no window offered for me to talk to her.So a few drinks later I was at a diffrent table and she came running down once again not far from where I was and once again talking on her phone.This was diffirent though,she kept looking in my direction and her friend kept talking in her ear...and I did nothing.She left not long after with a face of thunder.


One person reckons,she's really keen which wouldnt explain why she rejected me intially.Another person beleives (as I do) that she is playin me.

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