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Stuck with a big descision

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I have been with my boyfriend for almost two years now. We are both eighteen and have planned moving in together next year when we go off to University. I love him soooo much and I know he loves me too. But here is the thing, before we got together I was 16 and like most 16 years olds I was into parties and drinking. A couple of times when I was drunk I fooled around with guys and never thought of it after that. Both my boyfriend and I had never had a serious relationship prior to us getting together but my bf also never fooled around with anyone. The only thing he ever did was kiss. He was not the partying type of guy at all and he actually got me out of drinking and stuff which I am very thankful of now. Lately he has told me of how he is curious what it would be like to be with another girl. When I mean this I am not talking about sex but aurol sex. Because I have done things with other guys I have not interest but he does wonder still. I am very much in love and dedicated to this guy and I am trying to think ahead. Would it be better for the relationship in the long run if I let him go for now just to experience others and end this curiosity. Or should I ignore this and have a possibility of later on having him cheat on me or even blame me for him not ever being with other people. I know this would hurt me so much if he was to go on and fool around with other people but I am just so confused of what to do here. I know I could never take him back if he was to have sex with another girl because he was my first and I was his and we hold that to be so special for us and I know this would ruin it. I just don't know what to do. He tells me over and over that I am the only girl he wants and that he loves me so much and that he can't live without me, but I can still tell he is curious. I am trying to do the right thing and any feed back would be appreciated.

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If you really and truly think that this guy loves you so little that he would cheat on you just to see what oral sex is all about, leave him now. A jerk like that is not worth keeping around.


Any guy who would put more importance on a blow job than on the integrity of his relationship is not worth having around.


Now, it's probably normal for him to wonder about this. If you aren't willing to have oral sex with him, make that very clear. Also make it clear that he's free to leave to experience it...and he should forget about coming back to you when it's over.


On the other hand, if oral sex should become important to him and you're not willing to engage in that activity with him, your relationship would come to a head sooner or later anyway...(pardon the pun).

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Tell him if he's that curious, that you'll gladly show him to the door. And then don't ever let him back in.


Everytime I hear this line, I cringe. I mean, come on, does this guy honestly think that he can declare his love for you, tell you that you're the only one he wants to REALLY be with, and yet whisper in your ear that he's always wondered what it would be like to fool around with other girls ... and that you should be okay with this??? What's his answer to his "problem" anyways? That you guys should "split up" for a little while so he can get his kicks with other girls ... and then once he's had his thrills, just come merrily skipping back into your arms? If I were you, I'd shout some expletives at him as I was slamming the door in his face.


In all honesty, if he's seriously considering this, then this isn't the man you're meant to be with. Because no man would ever do that to a woman he truly loved. I realize that you're both young, and that's what's most likely fueling his curiosities ... the fact that he hasn't experienced much of anything so far in his life. And sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. So if he really wants to experience other women, then by all means, let him. Just make sure that you're no longer a part of his life. That way you can move on and find someone else who can really make you happy.

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Guys are pigs, aren't they. Well, I am going to be blunt. The curiosity is not going to go away. Unfortunately men mature slower than women. This could be a serious issue down the road. Don't fret. This is life and use it to your advantage in the end. I am 22 and I have a tiny bit more experience than yourself. I know you are not going to want to hear this, but most likely things between you and he aren't going to pan out. Just enjoy being 18. I know that this must upset you. It would me. Sometimes people need to experience things, and somtimes things aren't meant to be. Let him know that sex is not what always is made out to be. Sex is not good because of techniques, although it helps, but is the best when you truly love someone. When you are in love it is a thousand times better. Unfortunately this is something he may have to go find out. Things get better, don't worry. Good luck!

I have been with my boyfriend for almost two years now. We are both eighteen and have planned moving in together next year when we go off to University. I love him soooo much and I know he loves me too. But here is the thing, before we got together I was 16 and like most 16 years olds I was into parties and drinking. A couple of times when I was drunk I fooled around with guys and never thought of it after that. Both my boyfriend and I had never had a serious relationship prior to us getting together but my bf also never fooled around with anyone. The only thing he ever did was kiss. He was not the partying type of guy at all and he actually got me out of drinking and stuff which I am very thankful of now. Lately he has told me of how he is curious what it would be like to be with another girl. When I mean this I am not talking about sex but aurol sex. Because I have done things with other guys I have not interest but he does wonder still. I am very much in love and dedicated to this guy and I am trying to think ahead. Would it be better for the relationship in the long run if I let him go for now just to experience others and end this curiosity. Or should I ignore this and have a possibility of later on having him cheat on me or even blame me for him not ever being with other people. I know this would hurt me so much if he was to go on and fool around with other people but I am just so confused of what to do here. I know I could never take him back if he was to have sex with another girl because he was my first and I was his and we hold that to be so special for us and I know this would ruin it. I just don't know what to do. He tells me over and over that I am the only girl he wants and that he loves me so much and that he can't live without me, but I can still tell he is curious. I am trying to do the right thing and any feed back would be appreciated.
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