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Being Paranoid??(stains on sheets)

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This may seem a little graphic--well not graphic but just related to sex and the messiness related to it. lol


I go to my b/f's place and usually he is not there unless i am over(he stays with his mom and does things for her at her house etc) But he was there like 2 or three times that week because he is busy working on a few things non-stop. The place does not look neat or anything like that. We are in the bedroom and the bed isn't made and it wasn't made from the last time i was there so thats fine. There are towels on the floor from the previous time i was there. We lay on the bed and eventually we do sleep with one another..I see stains (and you know from what) but i really don't remember it being from us. I mean-it was kind of in the area we slept in just then and i said where did that come from and he said i dunno, its not from me--i'm over here and it must be from u. So- there was a stain to the right of me and then i also saw a stain to the left of him which i don't how how it got there if he is the one laying flat on his back and i couldn't really tell if it was new or old lol

He also brought new sheets that night so he can change them. Its kind of disgusting to think of a guy cheating on his girl and then doesn't take the effort to get rid of the sheets before i come over and sleep in the same ones. Am i being paranoid thinking its from someone else? The bed wasn't made, his pj bottoms were still in the bed from the previous week when i was there. Also-this may be a bit disgusting for some but i just want to say everything about the situation--there was an obvious blood stain which i know is from me--so that is what also makes me think it would disgusting of a girl to sleep in that bed with the sheets dirty like that and obvious signs that i was there too.


I feel like if i a guy really was cheating--he would change the sheets atleast before i even get to his apartment and not change it after we slept in it so there would no signs of someone else such as the scent from her, hair, or anything. I sat down on the bed too and the bed wasn't made so wouldnt i have noticed the stains before i layed down next to him and before we eventually did more? It wasn't like a little stain or anything that i would have to closely look at the sheets to see. So basically there were stains and i'm unsure if they were just from that moment or if from someone else.

Don't know if i am looking too hard into this. Help

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I really think you should break it off with this guy. You post constantly that you don't think you can trust him and you're looking everywhere for evidence that he's cheating. I think you really want out of the relationship and are looking for a reason.

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I agree with what cat says. I have seen your posts about your situation before. Theres not alot of trust there for whatever reason. Maybe you need to save yourself from the worry and doubt and call it quits with him hun. Why not just come out and ask him and see what he ahs to say. Or possbily help him change the sheets and mention it to him. Just a thought.






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well i know about my other posts--but i was wondering if this situation seems weird or its just me.

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well i know about my other posts--but i was wondering if this situation seems weird or its just me.


The situation doesn't seem weird to me at all. You are looking for things, which makes me think there's more to this than we know. Based on what you've posted, I think this guy way stresses you out and isn't worth it.

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Don't know if i am looking too hard into this.




For future reference, next time you cant tell if those pesky stains are new or old, take a piece of toilet paper, or tissue paper ( Rice paper works the best) between your forefinger and thumb ONLY. Blow on it several times. Lay the paper down and fold into neat square using forefinger and thumb ONLY. Once it is in a neat square, carefully examine BOTH sides and ensure it is free of debri and spots. Once you are satisfied, press this square against the said stain(s) in question. If the paper comes back damp, it is new. If not, then it is old.

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No Stress Lady

Was there lipstick on the sheets? - sorry - joke :o


Agree with the other posters here jmmm - you obviously don't trust him so what are you doing with him?

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Sounds like you guys added stains to your previous stains. Did you at least change the sheets after that??


:sick:....Sorry, but I cant imagine another woman being as nasty as to sleep in that mess. Especially one created by someone else as this seems to be a normal pattern here.

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i guess it would be more of a sign if he changed it before i got to his apartment or something?--it sounds disgusting to think a girl would sleep with a guy knowing another girl has been on the exact sheets(there still was a blood stain from me there)

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Sheesh, haven`t any of you gals heard of nocturnal emissions, better know as wet dreams? Some young guys have them at a rate of about 3 to 5 a week. Very normal and they leave stains just like the low down and dirty!

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Citizen Erased

For christs sake just leave the guy. You dont trust him, you never have and you never will. Get some counselling regarding your obvious trust issues and move on. He sounds bloody filthy anyway so why would you want to stay?:rolleyes:

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Jmmm....come on now...really....


1. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t80039/


2. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t82947/


3. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t83103/


4. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t83216/


5. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t84380/


6. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t83793/


7. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t85124/


8. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t85322/


9. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t85452/


((AND you recreated when people started tell you to listen to their advice and became tire of your posting on the same topic:

so 10. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t84564/ as flowr183))


asking everytime if he is cheating, should you trust him, and what should you do...are you following any of this advice or are you choosing to remain where you are feeling how you are F O R E V E R???


Nobody is worth living like this...I don't know if this guy is cheating but the fackt that you can't trust him AT ALL means you should not be with him.


When you don't hear what you want from people you brush off what they are saying and everything goes in one ear and out the other....FOR THE LOVE OF !


I'm sorry for the bit of tough love but I think you need it. Girl please learn to love yourself enough to stop living like this....

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Citizen Erased

You obviously want to hear that he is cheating. Fine then. He is. Does that make you feel better?


How are we meant to confirm this? You have given so many examples of your lack of trust issues, not of his infedility. They may be valid, but the question is why are you staying with someone who you suspect of constantly breaking your trust? If there is this much suspicion in your relationship, why do you find it worthy of your time to analyse ever single move this guy makes? Can you imagine yourself doing this for the rest of your life?


Leave this guy to his own life and start living your own.

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have you been checking the stains after each sexual encounter? lol if not then i see no reason to be paranoid.



I feel sorry for your bf, now if the poor guy DOES change his sheets youre gonna think he's cheating on you. If you're that untrusting of him you shouldnt be with him, let alone sleeping with him

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I'm going to be blunt here and I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, but if you act or say the things to him as you do here explaining things to us, its a wonder he has not already broke up with you. No one likes to be falsely accused of things or be with someone who is constanly insecure or paranoid. It puts a big strain on a relationship. And if anything it will push the other person away more.


I still say your best bet is to break things off with him. I really think you need time to get your head clear, and get some help on these insecurity issues you have. If you don't it will carry over into any relationship you're in. Its unhealthy, and you will never have a real stable trusting relationship if you don't. JMO.

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Jmmm....come on now...really....


1. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t80039/


2. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t82947/


3. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t83103/


4. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t83216/


5. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t84380/


6. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t83793/


7. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t85124/


8. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t85322/


9. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t85452/


((AND you recreated when people started tell you to listen to their advice and became tire of your posting on the same topic:

so 10. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t84564/ as flowr183))


asking everytime if he is cheating, should you trust him, and what should you do...are you following any of this advice or are you choosing to remain where you are feeling how you are F O R E V E R???


Nobody is worth living like this...I don't know if this guy is cheating but the fackt that you can't trust him AT ALL means you should not be with him.


When you don't hear what you want from people you brush off what they are saying and everything goes in one ear and out the other....FOR THE LOVE OF !


I'm sorry for the bit of tough love but I think you need it. Girl please learn to love yourself enough to stop living like this....


Seems as if you should take this advice from DELECTABLE. Seems like a very concerned person to go through all the trouble to get something through your head that you most likely will ignore anyways.

Doesn't matter if he's cheating...It's just too nasty to live like this :sick: Good Luck!

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