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we often speak of what would you do if this was your last day on Earth. But lets say you were given a term of five years. What would you do?


with war and terrorists attacks around the corner, we might live to tommorrow but hey, who knows about the day after.


how would you better the world for you and your loved ones if you had sometime. you are the chief executive. what do you have to say?

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Unfortunately, it is not the nature of man to cherish each moment. For a short period, we will be mindful of terrorists and the pain of others but, one day, we will again become complacent and waste more time.


As tragic as it is, we need wake up calls from time to time to remind us of the precious little time we have on the planet. In between, we take many moments and many people, even very important ones in our lives, for granted.


I think if most people were told they had only five years to live, they'd be lobbying Congress for extentions. If I were chief executive, I would veto the bill extending lives if for no other reason than to save the Social Security fund.

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don't be a nincumpoop. you can't make someone love you more. they either do or they don't. do I detect a little insecurity on your part? is there some sort of competition going on to see who loves who more? that's childish, do not you think? but hey if you want to make him love you more do this:


-buy some deodorant and use it daily


-shave your pits and legs more than once a month


-floss your teeth


-never pick your nose in front of him


-refrain from passing gas in his presence


-change your undies daily


-get some Love Potion #9


-wash his car every week

What should i do to make to make my bf love me more? I always think i love him more, how to maintain a balance. Any good strategy?
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