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My 8 month LS experience

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It is so weird how I have used loveshack in the last 8 months.I first found this site when my wife and I separated I was a friggin messs and this site was therapy big time.I was always on the separation and divorce section.As time moved on I began drifting to the Coping section stayed there for a while chilling.I am a personal trainer so I started going to the Physical fitness section a lot.Then I met this woman and began dating so I drifted into the dating section then when we began having amazing sex I was always in the sexual relationships section:p .Well my 3 month relationship with this woman ended:( in the s***ter so now I am always in the breaking up section.It's hilarious how your life changes your sections also change.I wonder if I will ever be in the marriage section:eek: .........oh my god never who just wrote that;)

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So there is hope! I've been stuck in the "Breaking Up, Reconciliation & Coping" for about a month now. It would be nice to go somewhere else now...

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At least you guys know WHY you're here...I haven't a clue as to why I keep coming back!

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:lmao: :lmao: LMAO! Hilarious! Good luck hope you advance back to sexual relationships eventually!
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It is so weird how I have used loveshack in the last 8 months.I first found this site when my wife and I separated I was a friggin messs and this site was therapy big time.I was always on the separation and divorce section.As time moved on I began drifting to the Coping section stayed there for a while chilling.I am a personal trainer so I started going to the Physical fitness section a lot.Then I met this woman and began dating so I drifted into the dating section then when we began having amazing sex I was always in the sexual relationships section:p .Well my 3 month relationship with this woman ended:( in the s***ter so now I am always in the breaking up section.It's hilarious how your life changes your sections also change.I wonder if I will ever be in the marriage section:eek: .........oh my god never who just wrote that;)



All that in 8 months?? :confused: Man... you've got to slow down.:p

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It's hilarious how your life changes your sections also change.


Oh totally. I used to be stuck in the 'Coping' and 'Second Chances' dungeons when I was in frustration mode. Then on to the 'Friends and Lovers' area when I was interested in a couple co-workers a few months ago, now I seem to be frequenting the 'Dating' forum often.


I'm sure it's kinda like that for everyone.

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:lmao: :lmao: LMAO! Hilarious! Good luck hope you advance back to sexual relationships eventually!



Me too god I hope so........I love that section but only when I am getting laid:p

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kitten chick
:laugh: that was funny. That was my first 6 months on LS almost to a T. Now I'm stuck in the "I'm not dealing with this relationship crap anymore" section. I have gotten some good tips in the workplace section for my attempted career change.
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Too bad everyone isn't on this site. It would make conversations alot easier.


"Hello John, what section have you been in lately?"

"Hi Tina, been in friends section. You?"

"I've been in Dating section thanks for asking"

"Ah, well good for you"

"Did you hear about Rob? Rumor has it he's been in the Breakig up and Coping section, but you didn't hear that from me"

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Too bad everyone isn't on this site. It would make conversations alot easier.


"Hello John, what section have you been in lately?"

"Hi Tina, been in friends section. You?"

"I've been in Dating section thanks for asking"

"Ah, well good for you"

"Did you hear about Rob? Rumor has it he's been in the Breakig up and Coping section, but you didn't hear that from me"


:lmao: :lmao: LMAO! You'd never have to start with "how are you doing" ever again!!

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:lmao: :lmao: LMAO! You'd never have to start with "how are you doing" ever again!!


Nope :D and think about how easy it would be to say other wise awkward things...


"I heard that Phil finaly came out of the Gender and Sexual Identity closet section!"

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I'm currently trapped in the 'searching for' and general relationships sections. *crosses fingers for an initial path into the 'dating' section some time! :rolleyes:

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Too bad everyone isn't on this site. It would make conversations alot easier.


"Hello John, what section have you been in lately?"

"Hi Tina, been in friends section. You?"

"I've been in Dating section thanks for asking"

"Ah, well good for you"

"Did you hear about Rob? Rumor has it he's been in the Breakig up and Coping section, but you didn't hear that from me"


Too funny:lmao:


It would be great conversations would be so cool.


"So Bob how you been lately"

"oh not very good been in the separation and divorce section"

"Thats too bad didn't hear you and Suzie broke up, you should go to the coping section"

"yeah I caught her in the other man/woman section it was horrible..... but how have you been?"

"Oh that sucks man that section is nasty sorry to hear.... but the good news is Gina and I are in the parenting section"

"Great news congratulations....Well there is no hope for me and Suzie so we won't be in the Second chances section unfortunately"

"Well stay strong and try and go to the Self improvement and well being section ...Doug told me that section is really good".

How is Doug doing haven't talked to him for a while"

"He is in the getting married section"

"Oh wow he is marrying Barbera?"

"No they were in the breakup section he was in the friends and lovers section with a girl he knew for years and it got more serious now they are in the getting married section.and she wants to go to the parenting section within the first year of marriage".

"oh geeez poor guy he should bail and just hang in the sexual and reproductive health and practices section he had lots of girls".

"I know but he was in the self improvement and well being section way too long and started thinking about the getting married section"

"Well I am, never visiting that section again I am just gonna concentrate on me and stay in the Physical Fitness health and weight management section"

"Good for you see ya later Bob stay in touch"

See ya congrats again to you and Gina in the parenting section.


:p :p :p;)

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Would be a good way to get into everyones business too!


(not that I would want to do that ;) )

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