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I don't see any problem with that. I fell in love for the first time at age 12. Her hame was Toni. All over school, people would sing..."Toni plus Tony." I remember she was giving me two nickles for a dime...and when our hands touched and out eyes met, it was pure electricity. And everytime I would steal a glance at her in the next row of my seventh grade classroom, she would be staring at me.


Now, we didn't have sex or plan marriage or even go out on dates. So while I think it's quite alright to fall in love pretty early, I think you have to consider not taking it much further than giving him or her change for a dime.

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My dear right or wrong is not the question love is a difficult thing to define. Being in love is a great reponsibility and is more often than not over whelming for mature adults. I think you should step back and really think about this, you are so young and trust me there will be plenty of time for love, enjoy your youth have fun and be happy.

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There's nothing wrong with falling in love at 14. It's what you do about it that counts :o) Falling in love for the first time is something you should treasure because you will never forget it. I think 14 is too young for a physical relationship, but you probably already know that don't you? If you have a diary you should write down all of these new and wonderful feelings. If you get confused about the physical responses you may feel about love...talk to your parents or another adult with experience in love that you feel comfortable with. Congratulations on your first love! Enjoy :o)

i don't know if its right to fall in love at the age of 14?
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