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Ive been talking with this guy for a little over a year now, in the beginning, he would call me all the time, said the sweetest things, and I would see him occaisonally. Which was fine with me. The past few months, have been confusing, he went from calling me all the time, like when he got home from work or being out with the guys, to just calling me once in awhile..... I know he is probably dating someone else, and thats fine, if he would just tell me, If he would just tell me that he dont want anything to do with me anymore, I will never bother with him again. But it kills me of not knowing, what happened. But then again, I dont want to know, cause I will be crushed..... so I am in a no win situation. Even though we still talk, the thought of never talking to him again, I just cant think about, I feel there is still a strong connection between us. But I think he got to close to me, and got scared. What do you think?? I know this is confusing but there is so many details that it would take me hours to right

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Your instints in this situation seem to be quite accurate. I agree it would be so much easier for you if he would just come out and say buzz off, so its up to you to make a choice based on the situation. Try and resolve this as soon as possible so you can get on with your life.

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Frustrating isn't it? My advice (and I've learned from experience) is to just carry on as though nothing has changed. If he wants to be with you, he will make the effort. If he doesn't make the effort, do you really want to date him? Think ahead to a few years down the road...if you pursue him, will you ever be confident that you're together because that's what he wanted or because you 'made' it happen? You deserve to be told and shown how much someone wants to be with you! Don't settle for less.:o)

Ive been talking with this guy for a little over a year now, in the beginning, he would call me all the time, said the sweetest things, and I would see him occaisonally. Which was fine with me. The past few months, have been confusing, he went from calling me all the time, like when he got home from work or being out with the guys, to just calling me once in awhile..... I know he is probably dating someone else, and thats fine, if he would just tell me, If he would just tell me that he dont want anything to do with me anymore, I will never bother with him again. But it kills me of not knowing, what happened. But then again, I dont want to know, cause I will be crushed..... so I am in a no win situation. Even though we still talk, the thought of never talking to him again, I just cant think about, I feel there is still a strong connection between us. But I think he got to close to me, and got scared. What do you think?? I know this is confusing but there is so many details that it would take me hours to right
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i don't have a crystal ball or anything but i have a feeling that he's been really busy lately because he's fulfilling his secret desire to learn to play the bagpipes. the reason he doesn't call you much is because he's really winded out from all that huffing and puffing. he'd probably do well to learn the accordion, but then his arms would be too tired to pick up the phone. he should just stick to playing the stereo.

Ive been talking with this guy for a little over a year now, in the beginning, he would call me all the time, said the sweetest things, and I would see him occaisonally. Which was fine with me. The past few months, have been confusing, he went from calling me all the time, like when he got home from work or being out with the guys, to just calling me once in awhile..... I know he is probably dating someone else, and thats fine, if he would just tell me, If he would just tell me that he dont want anything to do with me anymore, I will never bother with him again. But it kills me of not knowing, what happened. But then again, I dont want to know, cause I will be crushed..... so I am in a no win situation. Even though we still talk, the thought of never talking to him again, I just cant think about, I feel there is still a strong connection between us. But I think he got to close to me, and got scared. What do you think?? I know this is confusing but there is so many details that it would take me hours to right
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MY advice, talk to him. Let him know what you are thinking. Don't be crushed if he says you should just be friends. Try calling him for a change instead of waiting for him. Men are always charming in the beginning and that tends to fade quickly. Life is too short. Quit questioning it and find out. He will keep you hanging if he knows he can. Don't let him. The are many men out there, don't ever forget that. Good luck!

Ive been talking with this guy for a little over a year now, in the beginning, he would call me all the time, said the sweetest things, and I would see him occaisonally. Which was fine with me. The past few months, have been confusing, he went from calling me all the time, like when he got home from work or being out with the guys, to just calling me once in awhile..... I know he is probably dating someone else, and thats fine, if he would just tell me, If he would just tell me that he dont want anything to do with me anymore, I will never bother with him again. But it kills me of not knowing, what happened. But then again, I dont want to know, cause I will be crushed..... so I am in a no win situation. Even though we still talk, the thought of never talking to him again, I just cant think about, I feel there is still a strong connection between us. But I think he got to close to me, and got scared. What do you think?? I know this is confusing but there is so many details that it would take me hours to right
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