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Have lines been crossed? Innocent or Not?....


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Ok... so I am not sure how long this is going to be but I will try my best to be straight to the point. First I want to say "thanks" to those who are willing to help me out. Much advice is appreciated!


For starters... about 1 year ago, I met this guy at my workplace. Started out by me noticing him notice me. Stares here and there... just the "signs" you would get from someone who likes you. Also, I am 25, he is 33.


I became interested in him just because of the attention I was getting from him and also because he is one of the most gorgeous men I have ever encountered. He looks much like Nick Lachey! Anyhow... we started emailing each other. I am the one who initiated it because he had kept bugging me about joining the gym where he is a personal trainer on the side. Since the very first email... which has started about 1 year ago... things have somehow gradually increased.


In our emails, we never really "let it out" that we wanted one another. I got hints from him here and there. He would compliment me on little things. His birthday came around and I wished him a happy b-day and he wanted to know what I would give him.... I asked him what he wanted and he told me that we should go have a drink together... he would like that.


We never did... yet. After a little while... same old stuff, emailing and flirting. Whenever I saw him he would come up to me and just basically talk to me and get to know me. Things stopped for a while because my grand-father passed away and I became depressed over it and didn't talk to my crush for a few months. I got over him until one day out of the blue he emails me to ask how I am doing.


We started back with the emailing. It would only be one or two emails maybe every so often... but he always seemed so happy to hear from me. So one day he mentioned the drink thing again but still no plans. It used to be that he only would do some "one-liners" with me when emailing, but just last week and this week, we have been emailing each other numerous times throughout the day. Letting me know of some of his personal things, like purchases he has made in the last week.


He has hardly EVER asked me a question in him email but now all day he will ask me a question along with a response in his email to me. And now he says that YES he wants to go out for a drink. HE wants me to find a time and whatever works for me to see if it works with his schedule.


Now, this is where it gets interesting.... I found out that he is married! His friend knows about our "flirting" but he has been a cheater also. His friend has even brought up the "going our for drinks" thing because my crush must've been either shy or hesitant... but my crush was all smiles when the friend asked me.


What exactly is going on here? Have I crossed the line? Has he? Even though I just found out he is married? Even though we haven't done ANYTHING sexual or even touched each other for the matter??? Is it ok to go for drinks just as "friends"??? Is this an emotional affair I am in?


I have never been in this situation before.... I like him so much! But now things have been ruined.

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