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There is a time and place for everything including porn

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You poor people, don't you know the difference between a lie and a truth?

She was upfront about how she felt about porn - it obviously applies to their relationship - no man is an island! He lied, she caught him out and felt betrayed (WHILE PREGNANT AND OVEREMOTIONAL). He was not sensitive enough - understandably since he had already been through a divorce - man he must have been panicking! She obviously expects a lot from her man and yes, perhaps some of it is unreasonable by other's standards, but who are we to Judge?

I personally feel porn (being sexual in nature) infringes in/on our sexual relationships and makes me feel like my partner shares his sexuality out of our "circle". He does look from time to time but does not get off to it, and that is the difference for me - no one is making money off "our" sex which remains in tact and special. But hey, that is my opinion - Different strokes for different folks - excuse the pun!

Perhaps the lady does not express herself with great linguistic ease, and this obviously is the case too with her man, so lay off now and give the couple a fighting chance by helping her deal with her issues, at least she has the courage to explore them here.


In all probability though, he will look at porn again if he was hiding it from you. Don't be too harsh on him honey, your expectations for a man living in the kind of society we find ourselves today are a little unrealistic. Try to undersand that it is not a deficiancy on your part rather than an inability to control himself regarding the porn - many many many people have a dependency on the stuff, it is common knowledge that the more you see the more you want. Each person has their own line - don't try to draw his for him - it will backfire.

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Delectable has it nailed. Whatever the OP says......it's about control. The porn is secondary. And I gaurantee he'll look again. The only people who'll never look again...never have before

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