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Would someone please tell me if and how I can find old messages? Plus how do you find out the details (eg. email address of someone? I need to look up three things.


Thank you

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1. Would someone please tell me if and how I can find old messages?


Go to the bottom of this page and click on the link that says "Search All Messages." I think they go back about a year.


2. Plus how do you find out the details (eg. email address of someone?


The best way is to make a post and see if they will give you their email address. LoveShack.org does not collect and therefore is not able to give email addresses of posters.


There is a way posters can be traced if it is a matter of national emergency or if a criminal act is commited. If either has occured, telephone the Federal Bureau Of Investigation and they are sure to accomodate you at this time.

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