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I have a (naturally) curved and also broken nose. Daily i face psychological abuse due to my unorthodox feature. I am ignored and neglected (indirectly) due to this. I soon hope to get rhinoplasty but it saddens me that people are so harsh and shallow. btw. all my other features are proportianed and very symmetrical.

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I have a (naturally) curved and also broken nose. Daily i face psychological abuse due to my unorthodox feature. I am ignored and neglected (indirectly) due to this. I soon hope to get rhinoplasty but it saddens me that people are so harsh and shallow. btw. all my other features are proportianed and very symmetrical.


Well I wouldn't stare or judge somebody who looks like that, someone who can't help it. People who are shallow like that don't deserve your time anyways. People stare at me and treat me differentely because I have red hair, freckles, fair skin and I have (looks like im tired all the time) dark circles under my eyes all the time.....but I have had those ever since I was born. It stinks I can't look like most people without any circles under my eyes...I am only 20 years old! I would really like to know why I have these..........but what does all this have to do with abuse?

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