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Is NC still needed?

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My girlfriend of 7 months broke up with me over text messages a couple months ago, over spring break actually. It really broke my heart and I really didn't know what to do. The next couple of weeks I called her every nite and just asked her what was up and why she did that. She couldn't give me an answer then and told me to give her space. And at the time I never did. But over the last month, I've been givin her all the space in the world and practicing NC and it's been working. She has been talking to me and texting me, telling him she misses me now and she misses the old days we had. She tells me all the time that she still loves me and I still love her too. But the only problem is that she has a bf right now.


What should I do?


Should I talk to her some more and try and get her back or still continue NC and see if she comes back on her own?



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I am new here and this is my first reply to anything so I hope my advice can help. Anyways...it seems to me that your g/f views you as being "too available" because as soon as you started NC she then started chasing after you. As soon as you backed off, she started to get worried. She may still love you, but she has someone else right now and I am sure it doesn't make you feel good that she is saying that she loves you, but she still continues to stay with her current b/f. Things might not be going well for her right now with her new relationship and she wants someone to fall back on if things go down hill. I know it is hard to let people go, but maybe you should start dating other girls, at least to get the thought of your ex off your mind. Once your girl sees that you are moving on or at least trying to move on she will react believe me. Whether out of love, jealousy, or hurt...she will contact you and wonder why you are not pining over her like you did in the past.

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It is an unfortunate situation, but the reality is she has a new b/f. If you still have feelings for her then any attempt at romance while she has a b/f will result in you getting hurt more. Continue limited contact and date other people if you like. If your not ready to date then at least go out with other people and have a good time.

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and that's what I've been doing...I have been going out with my friends and just being around them and just taking my mind off of her. but last night, for the first time in a long time, she called me and we talked for about an hour. then we hung up. and around 11, she called me crying and apologized for anything she had done in our relationship and how she broke up with me (believe me, thats a long story).


and she still loves me, misses me, cares for me and i feel the same way for her...should i confront her and just say, do you want me or your bf?


because i still want her and still love her very much.


what should i do?

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