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Ok, well i posted a while back about my MM and he came to arizona to see me and then i called it quits. i have been pretty good on that. i have talked to him a few times, just as friends, but i normally avoid his calls or make things short and simple. so my deal is, i am over that, and before that i had a MM and i don't talk to him at all anymore and i am done with MM, cause i am young and they are always older, and recently one of my clients(whom is a little boy, i watch him at his house). i better start at the beginning. I go over there and help my client to household things, homework, etc. and his dad about 3 weeks ago was sick, so he was home, but still needed my services. so we got into this conversation about me and some of my past(nothing about any MM's or any really personal things, cause i choose to leave those things in the past) but, about my ex boyfriends and so on and if i was dating anyone here, so then, he was all on pain killers, so i was like whatever that was about, cause i showed him my scar from my surgery, cause he just had his and wanted to know what it looked like, and i had to take my pant down a little bit. then, his son got there and cool i left. then last week, he was there again when i got home and we talked a little, not much cause he had company, but we talked for maybe 10 minutes. and he i don't know, was interested and i can tell. then today i go over there and he is home again, not normal for him to be there, cause the reason i get paid is to be there when they are not there, duh! and i come in, the kid is late getting home from school again, so i go in and he starts talking to me, and asks me some questions about my day and stuff and then he was telling me about a conversation that him and some of his workers had about the gspot. and we got to talking about it, and he says well you are a pretty open person right? i said yea and he is like well i wanna see if you really have a gspot, cause my wife will never let me try, i know his wife and she has told me there is no sex drive anymore.(so it might be true, but whatever) and i was like, oh my god, that was kinda weird. and i sat there and i laughed, and he says, he is just curioius and bla bla bla. then his wife comes home early from work, for some reason. and it was all cool. then i called cause i left my sandals there and he answered his wives cell, which never happens and made it like she wasn't there, but he did look for my shoes. and what is wrong with me. do all married men just want to f*** with me or what. i mean he is a good looking man, but, then he said, it isn't like that, he just likes to experiment and now he can't, i said no of course, but kinda wanted to say yea, but i have more respect for myself now and what do i do??? should i tell my boss i have a conflict of interest with my client. i attend his other kids sporting activities, and i really like the family. i don't want to get into another situation with an MM. so can i still be with the family and ignore the "advances" he has made towards me. it is flattering, and he says it is for his curiosity, not anything sexual. i am a beautiful girl, come on now, what do i do?

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Guitar Wizard

If you don't want to do anything like that, tell him that you don't think that he should bring up some of the subjects that he brings up because they make you uncomfortable. And if worse comes to worse? Quit. Think about it, if he's hitting on you, he's probably hitting on other girls too, and your going to watch the carnage when his wife finds out that her husband is a douchbag.


And if you do want to have a relationship or sex or anything? Don't. It's not right, he has a wife, kids, and if he wants to go find girls he should at least get seperated. People these days just crap all over the vows of marrage. Basicly the title "Husband" or "Wife" is meaningless these days, and that really makes me sad. Why can't people understand that banging a married person isn't cool. And neather is being a homewrecker.


But, that doesn't apply to you, because I know your smarter then that and you'll make the right choice :D

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Don't take this the wrong way, but you're putting yourself out there by having inappropriate conversations and giving off a flirty (maybe not intentionally) energy. Keep the 'personal' talk to a mininium and don't 'befriend' him in a sense of getting to know him as his confident. The fact already he has opened up to you about his marriage issues or gotten personal isn't right. Please, I hope you recognize the signs and stay away from certain types of conversations, possible hugs/physical contact. If you don't, I think you know what 'could' happen ... Not saying you'd do anything, but don't put yourself IN that type of situation where it will be hard to say no.

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should i tell my boss i have a conflict of interest with my client. i attend his other kids sporting activities, and i really like the family. i don't want to get into another situation with an MM. so can i still be with the family and ignore the "advances" he has made towards me. it is flattering, and he says it is for his curiosity, not anything sexual. i am a beautiful girl, come on now, what do i do?


Don't involve your boss yet unless things get out of hand.


Just keep boundries with this guy and don't cross any lines with him. Stay away from sexual chatter and if he brings it up TELL HIM that it's not right. Also, is he looking for attention. Encourage him to fix things with his wife, get him to talk to her not you about things in his life.

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