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Men, Can i ask you a question??

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Why is it some men do not want to commit to one woman and always looking for the next one to be happy with??? I was with a such a man before and when I was with him, he made me feel special, like you are the only one in his life. I had no idea he did not wish to commit to making us work. After telling me sweet nothing, he ran away and took my heart with him. Why?

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he probably ran away to join the circus.

Why is it some men do not want to commit to one woman and always looking for the next one to be happy with??? I was with a such a man before and when I was with him, he made me feel special, like you are the only one in his life. I had no idea he did not wish to commit to making us work. After telling me sweet nothing, he ran away and took my heart with him. Why?
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There is no easy answer to your question. I do understand your pain and confusion. All i can tell you is he has a problem that will come up time and time again. Love is a gamble in a lot of respects! I do believe there are alot of men out there who are honest and sincere. I truly hope you will meet that man in the near future. Best wishes Darcy.

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My 8 months old kitten has cloud developed in both eyes. I had visitied two veterian. One said he had cataract. The old said that was not cataract


i really love my kitten. Is there any one know a good vet to examine it? is cataract in a kitten curable in US?


Can you give me some insight advice for that, please?

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Hi May,


I have 6 cats and have spent years learning about cat health.


8 month old kittens do NOT get cataracts.


So the second Vet agreed that it was not this? So what did he think it was? Did he have a good look at your kitten's eyes using a special light/instrument? Did he put a drop of orange colored dye into the eyeball and then look at it with the special light? This is the proper way to inspect a cat's eyes.


Your best bet would be to have your kitten seen by a Veterinary Opthalmologist (pronounced: op-thal-moll-oh-jist).....if you live in a city, there should be one there. Get out your phone book and look in the "Yellow Pages" under "Veterinarian"....and see if you can find a Veterinary Opthalmologist, then call and make an appointment for your kitten, as soon as possible.


I'm not a Vet so I'm not trying to diagnose your cat, but kittens can often get Feline Herpes Virus.....it usually affects the eyes, and can cause cloudy eyes. Do not worry, this is NOT THE TYPE of HERPES that HUMANS can get (so don't worry, you can not catch it from your cat..it's a totally different type than the human kind). There may be special eye drops or eye cream that a Vet can prescribe for this.....but don't put it off.........if you can't find a Veterinary Opthalmologist in the phone book, ask your Vet to please refer you to one...ask if he knows one (or just call up his clinic and ask the receptionist if she knows of one in your area/city).


Feline Herpes CAN spread to other cats.......


I have 2 cats that have this. They were both born with it. One has not had a 'flare-up' in years. The other one was fine for 4 years, then I noticed her one eye seemed a little cloudy..so I got her into a Vet. Opthalmologist and he had a good look at her eyes. Sometimes Herpes can cause an "ulcer" to the cornea of the eye, which can be quite painful......the Vet needs to look for this. An ulcer to the eye can develop an infection in it....so they'll often put the kitty on Antibiotic Eye Drops (special ones, for cats).


If you have any more questions, please feel free to email me@ <e-mail address removed>



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Again, I'm not a Vet and I'm definitely not telling you for sure that your kitten has Herpes, I'm just saying it's a likely possibility. The other name for it is Feline Ocular (means "eyes") Herpes. Here's a link with good information on it.....(just click on the link):


Click here: Info on Feline Herpes


As you'll see on that page, "cloudiness of the eyes" is one of the common symptoms.


Please get your kitten to a Vet that has experience with problems in cat's eyes...as soon as you can.




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