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I fall in love with a girl who is very fond of me. She is my good friend's ex gf but already broke up. I know that my good friend still love her so much and still waiting for her. Shall i start the relationship with her.?

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Not if you value your friendship with him. And anyway your chances of this relationship working are very small. If want a chance at this relationship working stay friends, dont get involved give it a year or so and things might work out.

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I fall in love with a girl who is very fond of me. She is my good friend's ex gf but already broke up. I know that my good friend still love her so much and still waiting for her. Shall i start the relationship with her.?


I feel ya. I didnt sleep for three months until I confronted the person I was lusting over. I felt better afterwards. Things felt like they were going good, but whent into a rapid downward spiral. This girl probably will date you just to get back at your friend. Its best you stay far away for as long as you can.

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NO! NO! NO! That is a territory that should not be entered. Girls will come and go, but friends are for life. You would be asking for trouble to pursue this. Put yourself in his shoes. How would you feel? I don't think you would be very happy. Really think of the consequences if you did act on it. Good luck.

I fall in love with a girl who is very fond of me. She is my good friend's ex gf but already broke up. I know that my good friend still love her so much and still waiting for her. Shall i start the relationship with her.?
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