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Is this Harassment??


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Okay, so I hate causing a fuss about things..(I hate drama..) Which, is why I'm not talking to any adult I know personally, but just asking for opinions, and maybe some advice.


So there is this teacher. I'll be honest, I don't like him, and I think he's creepy..so I might be biased (I'm not sure..) But I'm going to try and not be.. He'll make some comments towards my friends and I..(Hinting sexual innuendos...an example is when he said we were "anything but innocent".. anyway, more on that later) And in my opinion, he seems that he feels that women are only good for one thing...(which is why he is single..)He tends to have a great dislike for any guy who seems to have a lot of female companionship...he gave my friend a death stare for the first few weeks of school..(because my friend hung around with myself, and a few other of my friends (all female)) until he figured out that my first friend was gay...There have been a few situations, with this teacher, and I really don't know what to make of them..


The first one happaned a while ago..(like January..) My friend (we'll call him Bob..90% of Bob's friend's are female who are in this teacher's class, Bob is not in this teacher's class, but the teacher has seen Bob with his female friends around the school..so Bob recieves a death stare almost any time this particular teacher sees him in the hallway..) "Bob" and I were copying papers for a debate club..(like booklets, so this was going to take the whole period..) The teacher sees us, walks in the copyroom...makes a innuendos like "I'm going to watch you two so you do anything.." with two meanings..meaning number one, so we don't break the copier (which, If I'm being honest, would be a valid reason to watch us..seeing as we had already broken one copier..)...meaning number two, so we don't screw each other..(NOT VALID!!) He said the same type of comment a few times, and it offended me..and I had this sort of shrinking feeling..(like I was completely powerless in the situation..) He has alluded to me being promiscuious before..I don't know whether he is joking or not, and I don't know whether I'm being too sensitive..Anyway, so he really did stay the whole class period, just starring at us both..Giving poor Bob a death stare..and giving me the "I'm undressing you with my eyes" look (I think most girls know this stare..) He made a few comments..Tried to make Bob look like an idiot, with those stupid questions..(You know the type, where the answer rhymes and then you say something like "What do you do when you come to a green light" and some people will say "stop") Well, he said, "What do cows drink?" and Bob said "milk.." Teacher said wrong, and I asked why couldn't a cow drink milk, the teacher said "That would be like you drinking your.." and he pointed at my breasts, Bob quickly changed the subject..but we all became silent after Bob said what he said....Once again, I was extremely creeped out, and that shrinking feeling came back, and I tried to shove myself in a corner, behind Bob..then a while later he asked me how to spell his name..then he said "next time you write about me on the internet, spell my name right.." This once again, creeped me out..Okay, so I have a live journal. But I'm not one of those stupid teenagers, who gives all of his or her personal information on said website..My friend, also has one, and she does put her name on it, (and he left a comment on hers..) so that pretty much means he had to search through all of her entries to find one, where I left a comment, and my name was mentioned in the comment..once again, creepy..After this incident, I honestly felt like crying for a few days..I felt extremely intimidated by him, and I felt sexually harassed..but he really didn't do anything to me, just a few comments, and looks..A few of my friends encouraged me to tell our Title IX officer, but like I said, I don't like causing drama, and I don't want to have to deal with the teacher, anymore than I have to. ("Bob" and I still refer to this as the worst 50 minutes of our lives..)


This, situation is just recently..(actually I'm in the middle of it, which is why I'm posting this now..) So, we have this field trip that we are going on. I don't want to go. I don't like amusment parks, I don't like crowds, I don't have the money, I don't like him (If you hadn't guessed that by now), and I don't like the class..two of my friends decided that they weren't going to go as well..so today, we told him...One of my friends told him first. He got a little upset, tried to persuade her to go on, but got a little upset..Then I told him. He got pretty upset, tried to convince me to go..(he said If it was truly a money problem, we could fix it..) he basically, had a hard time taking "no" for an answer. Then my other friend told him, he got pissed, yelled at her, and told her he was going to have a talk with our class tomorrow..Just because we don't want to go on his field trip..if he talks to the class, he'll be singling out us three..which is potentially embarressing..he has also, managed to give me that feeling of being powerless again..He is attempting to force me to go somewhere, I don't want to go..It was just really immature..and just made me feel little..(I was scared to tell him I don't want to go..isn't that weird for a teacher?)


Anyway, so I'm not sure, whether my feelings are justified, or whether I'm being over sensitive, or what I should, do..if anything..(Although, if he does have this "talk", I'm going to walk out of the room..) Or what is going on with my emotions..Just, from what I've said, does it sound like what he is doing is harassment..and at what point, should I go to an adult I know? My problem is, my insides or my emotions, are telling me that something is wrong, and to get help in the situation, but my "head" or the logical side is telling me that I might be making a bigger deal out of this, then I need to..and that I should just ignore him, and not create any fuss..I'm one to listen to my head, but I'm struggling with this..I honestly have an internal conflict. So please, any advice, and or opinion would be really appreciated.

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As soon as you started feeling like there was something innapropriate going on or became uncomfortable or "trapped" feeling you should have gone to an adult. Now would be the time. Print out or copy exactly what you've posted and take it to your parents first or a close family relative , don't let them blow you off. And I would have my parents accompany me to see the principal or guidance councelor.The reason I suggest printing this post is because you are obviously looking for help, and you don't have to explain and become emotionally upset doing it.Good luck, let us know what you do.

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