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quite the deliema

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i hope i can explain my problem in a way that it will make sense because i'm really hurting from all this indeciveness.


i was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder and am doing therapy by way of cognitive treatment, i do not want to go on medication.


so then i have this boyfriend i have been with for a long time who has moodiness and irrability at times and takes it out on me verbally. i know he can control this because i have never seen him treat anyone else this way besides me.


this is not an everyday occurance and we do have a good relationship and it seems pretty stable except i am the one who is not stable or so i'm told by the therapist.


because when he gets in his moods i want to leave the relationship; she says it is because of the anxiety it causes that makes me want to run away not the problem it's self, and that by dealing with the anxiety and realising that people get moody, that people get angry, irritable, etc, that maybe it is stress, work or low blood sugar related moods, but by running away from the anxiety of the situation i am not facing the problem.


does this make sense to anybody? if so, then how do i draw the line between knowing if my wanting to run away is due to the anxiety of the problem or if maybe the relationship is just the problem it's self?


i don't know if i'm making sense but i hope so. i don't know what to do half the time anymore because at times i want to leave him but i tell myself, he's not mad at me, he's hungry, or tired, or what ever, and sure enough it passes and he comes back as sweet and loving as always.


i know he loves me alot! i know he would be deeply hurt if i left as i would be too. but i just don't know how long i can deal with this obsessing about leaving him versus leaving him because it is the best thing for me to do.


if anyone has any advise or ideas or experience with any of this please help me as i am feeling quite depressed and confused about what to do. thank you in advance.

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This is a tought situation! Sometimes people cant or dont want to deal with situation they cant, or dont want to deal with. My suggestion is if you really care about each other seek joint councelling and see how it goes from there.

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Hi Jennie,


The nature of your ongoing problem far exceeds the scope of this forum. These are things you should be trying to sort out yourself, and with your therapist. None of us here are at all qualified to give you the kind of help you are seeking.



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Hi Jennie, The nature of your ongoing problem far exceeds the scope of this forum. These are things you should be trying to sort out yourself, and with your therapist. None of us here are at all qualified to give you the kind of help you are seeking.



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What a coincidence, that there's someone else posting on this forum with the exact same problems as yours (the constant desire to leave their boyfriend, problems with anxiety, low blood sugar level, a moody boyfriend). It really IS a small world! *chuckle*



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