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i think kentmale likes another female.

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hello everyone, for those of you who read our last posts about the prostitution thing n you will all know how mad i am about kentmale.

everything has been fine since our posts and he didnt mention anything from the past at all apart from one time when he was telling me his feelings on something which i guess is pretty good.

things have been a reasonable amount better..........

no heres there latest problem


i have been suffering from anxiety & panic attacks for a while now and it was starting to get bad over the last couple of weeks (2 scared to get on the train, shops, bus etc and sometimes i get to scared to even leave house for fear of having panic attack in public) so i went to the doctors finally.

the doctor thought it may have something to do with me being on the contraceptive pill so told me to come off it for a few months.

anyway we had sex one night and didnt use a condom so i planned to take morngin after pill...... i read on the net that i had 72 hours to take it so i didnt really think more of it and took it at around the 72 hour mark.


since taking it i read that if you leave taking the pill till 72 hours then it is only 58% effective.................. which we seriously didnt realise.


anyway for the last 3 days i have been feeling sick, tired, thirsty etc and im wondering if im preg now,,, its a few days to early to take a test to im playing the waiting game.


i really couldnt not have an abortion now i have already had a child n i know what id be losing,,,, itd mess me up big time if i did that so to me that is not an option........ but i know kentmale does not want a child right now and he is already saying he is dreading having less freedom and he thinks i will be stopping him from going out anywhere and that he's only younge n he should be having fun not being tied down.

so as u can imagine im feelin pretty worried right now that if i am pregnant he will end up hating me and going to seek fun elsewhere..... its killin me.


anyway yesterday we had a little bit of an argument and then the phonecall ended and i received a text on my phone that was not meant for me but it was about me...... it was to another girl and he was arrangeing to meet up with her......... this is what it said......


"I really dunno rudegal, ive had some intense day yea, with s**t going on with guess who. im gonna wanna get out soon but wont be for a week or so. well talk soon yea babe xxx"


i totaly freaked when i read this and rang him up totaly like a crazed woman demanding to know who this girl was.

basically he said she's just a mate (same age as him i think) who he's been talking to on the net and she asked him to go to a rave with him in a few weeks time.

i was asking why he was giving her kisses and callin her babe amd he said he was just being friendly and that she's got a BF and he was gonna invite me to the rave aswell (im not sure if i beleive he was gonna invite me).

he never talks about this girl to me ever and when i asked him if she is such a mate then why do you never talk about her and he said its coz he knew i would go crazy if i knew. so i feel even more hurt that he's been hiding it from me coz he thought i wouldnt be happy with it.

also he never ever talks like he did in that text.... it slike he is talking like a bit of a rudeboy to try and impress her or something.

i kept trying to make him see that i dont think alot of women would want their man to meet up with a girl he's been chatting to on the net and go to a rave ..... regardles if they were told it was just friendly or not.


i asked for her number n after alot of him saying no he gave it to me. .... i text her and asked her what was going on and i told her i may be pregnant and im worried that he is gonna leave me to go and have his freedom and i'll be stuck alone with 2 kids.

she was pretty cold but said they are just mates and i shouldnt worry.


i dont know what to do........... i dont want to seem like a total witch so i told kentmale he could still talk to her but i didnt feel comfotable with him going out with her. what would all you women do in the same situation?

would you put a stop to all contact...... would you stop him from meeting up with her. Guys do u think me might like her more then mates?

i dont know what to do..... im scared he fancies her.

i hate the fact he called her babe and gave her kisses and he tells her about the arguments we are having and they call each other rudegal n rudeboy.

i feel sick with anger and worry.



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For Pete's sake, break up with him and work on yourself. You're all over the place and he's obviously shady as hell.

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I hate to say this, but he isn't worthy of your time. He's being a real jerk.


Make a DR appt and find out what is going on. Then go from there once you find out the results. NO point in freaking out over something that you don't have the answers too. You're just going to stress yourself out and make your anxiety much worse...


have been suffering from anxiety & panic attacks for a while now and it was starting to get bad over the last couple of weeks (2 scared to get on the train, shops, bus etc and sometimes i get to scared to even leave house for fear of having panic attack in public)


Have you considered talking to someone professional about the anxiety attacks? See, I recognized some avoidance behaviours starting and trust me, it can easily spin out of control if you don't change your thinking pattern! You have to MAKE yourself DO those things that you're wanting to avoid, bring a friend with you if you have to, but NOT going out will lead you to agrophobia...Please, ask for help and don't be afraid to talk about this. I suffer from anxiety too and I know ALL about the fears of having a panic attack in public, the not wanting to go to certain places, letting the fears take over. It's not a good place to be and to lose control like that is very hard to go through.


Maybe start a post in the self improvement section and I can help you more there. This section isn't the right place to be discussing anxiety disorders, but I would like to help you through this stuff.

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