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Is it a recipe for disaster?

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Wow, I feel clever for using such a cliche. Now do you think I meant that sarcastically or not? These are just a couple Q's that have no doubtedly are not new but what is a forum if new posts are going up constantely.


I am 19, and in college. Although, I am rather newbish to the whole dating and looking for dates concept I wonder if other than school, is going to the mall, (and any other store or social place) and talking to every pulchritudinous girl I see a method that can actually work?


Also, When do you think it is appropriate to ask a girl out? The first conversation you ever have with her, the fourth, when she shows signs of interest, or when you just instinctively feel it's right?


Girls, do you really like to be approached by some decent guy all by himself anywhere? If not, then is it not flattering that some decent guy is taking his time to pay attention to you?


thank you very much for any help you offer.

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