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Can infatuation turn into love?


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To make matters more complicated with my already really complicated situation...long story short, a little over a month ago I was happily married talking about starting a family with my husband whom I idolized and loved more than anything only to find out he cheated on me prior to us getting married and then proceeded to lie about it for a year with no intention of telling me. I found out from my doctor (you do the math) and nothing has been the same since.


I realize that I am in a vulnerable state of mind with my judgement mostly clouded over now but I also feel like damn it I don't care! I've spent the last few years being responsible, forthcoming, trying to do the right thing and look what happens. The person closest to me in the whole world betrays me...no he destroys me.


So to keep my mind off of things I've been getting out with my girlfriends and hanging out God bless them! Last Friday, I ran into someone I have not seen in over 10 years. Of course there is an immediate connection with him felt on both sides, he stayed by my side the remainder of the night not wanting to leave. The lanky, whiny boy that I remember has turned into a man with strong convictions. A soldier nonetheless serving his country. I respect him so much for that. We said goodbye that night but I woke up Saturday morning with him as the first thing on my mind. Since then we've talked almost everyday and I cannot get him out of my head. It feels like I am addicted to him like he's a drug. I know that part of it has to do with the fact that he makes me feel like I'm the absolute top prize and that he represents what I now know as the man I want. He also understands though what I'm going through. He is divorced and his wife cheated on him. He was devastated as well but has worked his way through it and believes he is better off for it and just wants to find a good woman to settle down with. With all of what he's been through (2 tours in Irag and his divorce) he realizes how short life is and what is important and what's not. Could this really develop into something else? Or is this something I should enjoy for the moment?

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well if you're still married, it wouldn't be fair to involve him in your rather complicated situation. I'm guessing that you feel addicted to him because he is a distraction, and he takes your mind of the issues heavily weighing on you right now. But if you got involved it would be more like you using him to make yourself feel better.


I wouldn't act on anything until I was sure what I felt was authentic, and about him, not about ME. Also, I wouldn't do anything until you have everything more or less resolved with your situation.

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Don't go there!


Your hubby did bad BEFORE marriage. It doesn't make it right, but neither does the thought of you starting something WHILE you ARE married!


If you want to stay married, then work on making your relationship better.

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