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I am in love with a heroin addict. It has been four months since he has been arrested and I have been through hell. He has charges on him for robbery and recieving stolen goods. We were living together and and was without a job when this all happened. He was taking the money I worked so hard for to get his rush. He betrayed me in many ways and has left me to pick up the pieces by myself. I am still very angry and don't understand how his love for me let him do these things. He is a very beautiful and wonderful person, but has this monster lurking around inside of him. I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust him and not sure if I want to spend my life questioning him. I see the changes in him now, but I am not sure if things will ever be able to be the same. He is looking up to another 6 months in jail which will make it almost a whole year of our relationship lost. I question my strength, but my love for him is stronger than ever. What do I do? Any advice that could possibly open my eyes and help ease these fears would be most appreciatve. There is not alot of help out there for people in my situation. I am cunfused and scared. Please, any words would be nice.

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Is he being held now? Anywhere he can not get access to the drug the better off he is. (Seems delicate and I dont want to sound rude.)That is the only way!


I have had my circle of addicts and take from me, no one can help him until he is ready. He cant be forced. Talk to him and see if he is ready to have a clinic help him.


I had to let go of a long time friend because he was an addict and the drug caused his mood swings and words to push me away, I could not help him. He had recked his car three times in a two month period due to blackouts from his use. The third accident he had killed his baby. After it was over he went home and got high. Two months later he went to a clinic. He is currently there now.


If he agrees to get help, support him. You could leave him temporarly but be there to support him through rehabilitation. Please put your money away and when he gets sick take him to the hospital. If things turn ugly or violent, than leave immediately. Only you know what is best for you. If I were in your shoes, I would first ask if he is ready for a long stay at a clinic. If yes, than keep your faith that everything will be A Okay. If no, than you have to leave him. Dont let him talk you into living with his nightmare. Than tell him to give you a call when he has been clean for three months.


I am in love with a heroin addict. It has been four months since he has been arrested and I have been through hell. He has charges on him for robbery and recieving stolen goods. We were living together and and was without a job when this all happened. He was taking the money I worked so hard for to get his rush. He betrayed me in many ways and has left me to pick up the pieces by myself. I am still very angry and don't understand how his love for me let him do these things. He is a very beautiful and wonderful person, but has this monster lurking around inside of him. I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust him and not sure if I want to spend my life questioning him. I see the changes in him now, but I am not sure if things will ever be able to be the same. He is looking up to another 6 months in jail which will make it almost a whole year of our relationship lost. I question my strength, but my love for him is stronger than ever. What do I do? Any advice that could possibly open my eyes and help ease these fears would be most appreciatve. There is not alot of help out there for people in my situation. I am cunfused and scared. Please, any words would be nice.
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The only thing I can suggest you do is to contact your local/nearest Narcotics Anonymous organization. Not only do they provide help for addicts, but they *also* provide help for family members/loved ones/friends of ADDICTS.....like support groups and such.......It's similar to the support groups they have for family members of Alcoholics Anonymous.


I'm not sure where you are located, but if you click on the link below, it will take you to a page that has just about every place in the world. Scroll down the page til you find the country you're in ..then the state/Province...find a chapter of this organization that's the closest to where you live. Ask them about Support for loved ones of Addicts......I'm sure they can put you on the right track. They often have support groups for people like you.....where there are others who are in the same boat as you, have the same feelings, etc. Very helpful. Click on this link below:


Narcotics Anonymous


You don't have to give your name if you don't want to......just say you're trying to find a support group in your area, and briefly explain your situation (with your boyfriend).


Good luck



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