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Thankfuly this one is not the fault of the US, it is the worlds former whipping boy, Britian. Since there are a few British expats here, and this is all your F-ing fault i'm going to ask for help


Me and my gf saw " bridget jones' diary" recently. She fell in love with the soundtrack, and made me promise to buy it for her. When i got to the record store i found the CD has a song by former spice geri halliwell


now i made a promise a long time ago that i would never support those five walking PMS poster children in my life. now i have a choice to buy the album and forsake my oath, or not and make my girl mad at me


since this problem is the fault of the British I was hopping that you can give me some help

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Gee...this is a hard one. Buy your girlfriend this soundtrack, or hold a grudge against five people you have never even met...that is a tough choice.



Thankfuly this one is not the fault of the US, it is the worlds former whipping boy, Britian. Since there are a few British expats here, and this is all your F-ing fault i'm going to ask for help Me and my gf saw " bridget jones' diary" recently. She fell in love with the soundtrack, and made me promise to buy it for her. When i got to the record store i found the CD has a song by former spice geri halliwell now i made a promise a long time ago that i would never support those five walking PMS poster children in my life. now i have a choice to buy the album and forsake my oath, or not and make my girl mad at me since this problem is the fault of the British I was hopping that you can give me some help
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Your oath was to not support the Spice Girls. The CD you mentioned contains only one, a former one, and one who is probably singularly pretty decent.


Buy the CD for your girlfriend and go find more serious things to concern yourself about...and make oaths regarding.

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the Spice Girls really did suck! They were the most appalling drivel that has been foisted on the public in quite some time. All but one of them are actually unable to sing, none of them are especially good looking, and they can't dance well at all. They lack all essential pop-star qualities except vanity and a publicist, and have not an ounce of talent or authenticity that would otherwise justify listening to them. At least Milli Vanilli were hot! When it comes to sugar-coated fluff, give me Destiny's Child any day.


But yeah, there are far better things to take oaths about.

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Never know when I have done something wrong and end up getting cold shoulder treatment without even knowing what I have done to deserve it. Asking gets the answer " if you don't know then its not worth telling you"


what the hell is up with that???

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"...Girl you know it's true...ooh ooh ooh I love you..."

the Spice Girls really did suck! They were the most appalling drivel that has been foisted on the public in quite some time. All but one of them are actually unable to sing, none of them are especially good looking, and they can't dance well at all. They lack all essential pop-star qualities except vanity and a publicist, and have not an ounce of talent or authenticity that would otherwise justify listening to them. At least Milli Vanilli were hot! When it comes to sugar-coated fluff, give me Destiny's Child any day. But yeah, there are far better things to take oaths about.
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I don't know what you're looking for here. I have never made the statement you referred to...oh, maybe once...but it would have been very rude of me.


If you're talking about someone else saying this, it probably means they just don't want to talk about it or their explanation is quite foolish or childish. Mature people will discuss whatever is called upon them to discuss or explain.

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