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All the chest beating and violent retaliation will creat loads more ladens..if one can cause that much damage and the muslim are respecting the man more everyday, impressionable kids will want to their "hero" when they grow up. How much more of US dollar have to be spent on security? How many US mulitinational corporations will fold because of being targets of terrorists? How will it affect the US economy in the short to medium term?

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This is exactly what bin laden wants. The media is creating a big problem by putting his picture on the front pages of every publication there is. We should make it illegal for any publications to print his photo. Any aspirering terrorist in the future will be fueled by the attention they will recieve.

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I just wanted to point out that not ALL Muslims are behind Bin Laden. It's sweeping generalizations like yours that create the counter-attacks that are hurting so many other innocent Muslims around the world.


Just my 2 cents.

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Well More Ladens will come out of the woodwork in the future days to come, but it isn't from the U.S. & Britians attack on the taliban; they have always been there. Our country was too niave, too trusting. We left our country wide open for anyone to enter, and they completely took advantage of that.

I am not concerned with how our tax money is being spent on beefed up security; what is important is keeping this country safe. I want my kids to go to Disney World and not have to look over the fireworks for any low flying planes. This is what our life has become. I would gladly support any effort to stop these terrorists from what they are doing. They are trying to grip the United States by the throat and paraylize us; by shutting down our daily lives. Through travel, through the economy and now through communication. If we react to that; then we stop moving, we stop shopping, we stop using the postal service. And now doctors are writing prescriptions for their Anthrax frightened patients, so they can take their Cipro. And while the news is soaking up people who are crying, and suffering, the taliban is getting exactly what they want. Our fear.


The media has lured so many people to their "late breaking news" that many cannot turn off the t.v. for fear of missing something. Sure I'm scared, but I refuse to stop living. My kids need to see a calmness and consistency in me, so that they can be believe everything will turn out okay. So I have gone back to doing the things that please me. I have retired from the "round the clock news" and shifted my attention back to what really matters.

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My kids need to see a calmness and consistency in me


sure. just take prune juice.

I am not concerned with how our tax money is being spent on beefed up security; what is important is keeping this country safe. I want my kids to go to Disney World and not have to look over the fireworks for any low flying planes. This is what our life has become. I would gladly support any effort to stop these terrorists from what they are doing. They are trying to grip the United States by the throat and paraylize us; by shutting down our daily lives. Through travel, through the economy and now through communication. If we react to that; then we stop moving, we stop shopping, we stop using the postal service. And now doctors are writing prescriptions for their Anthrax frightened patients, so they can take their Cipro. And while the news is soaking up people who are crying, and suffering, the taliban is getting exactly what they want. Our fear. The media has lured so many people to their "late breaking news" that many cannot turn off the t.v. for fear of missing something. Sure I'm scared, but I refuse to stop living. My kids need to see a calmness and consistency in me, so that they can be believe everything will turn out okay. So I have gone back to doing the things that please me. I have retired from the "round the clock news" and shifted my attention back to what really matters.
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