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Crossing the line.

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Thought i start this thread to open a discussion and hear the opinions of you all out there


A lot of people flirt, i have no problem with that. I'm a friendly person like a lot of people i guess.


There is as we can guess two main types of flirting, for fun, and with intent.


Now where do you consider the line to be where one crosses over to the other.


I have read a fair bit on this site and others the general consensus seems to be once there is touch that is the line.



But is tha t any kind of touch surely a friendly pat on the back can't be construed as wanting more.


Also anything you keep secret from your spouse/SO is crossing the line thats fine but if you are the one been flirted with you don't know what the flirter is telling/not telling his/her SO. you only know what you telll yours if you have one.



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you don't know what the flirter is telling/not telling his/her SO.


That shouldn't be your problem.

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