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Hope this thread will help to clarify my position


I don't believe in objectivity, i.e. I do not believe there is only one truth in the universe which applies for everybody


At least, there are some concepts which have different meaings according to individuals. I agree that some group of people may share part of their own reality with others, but there is always another part which is purely personal.


the difficulty then, is when it comes to that part, the definiton of truth is no more a permanent one. For saying that, i have been accused of being a non-logical mind. Fair enough, it is true that in logic, one thing has to be either true or false. But this logic only applies to an objective world. The proper tool to deal with subjectivity is called fuzzy logic


here is a good definition for fuzzy logic i've found on the net:


Fuzzy logic is a superset of conventional (boolean) logic that has been extended to handle the concept of partial truth--truth values between " completely true" and " completely false"


and i think we are here dealing with a fundamental mistake of our society:


" managing subjectivity with a class logic" or managing a situation with the wrong tool


that is what lies behind all the problem. Very few people in this world are able to understand that their own God may not be the God of everybody, that their truth might be wrong in another part of the world.


any comments, disagreements (that is only my truth)..are welcome

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Hope this thread will help to clarify my position I don't believe in objectivity, i.e. I do not believe there is only one truth in the universe which applies for everybody At least, there are some concepts which have different meaings according to individuals. I agree that some group of people may share part of their own reality with others, but there is always another part which is purely personal.


the difficulty then, is when it comes to that part, the definiton of truth is no more a permanent one. For saying that, i have been accused of being a non-logical mind. Fair enough, it is true that in logic, one thing has to be either true or false. But this logic only applies to an objective world. The proper tool to deal with subjectivity is called fuzzy logic here is a good definition for fuzzy logic i've found on the net: Fuzzy logic is a superset of conventional (boolean) logic that has been extended to handle the concept of partial truth--truth values between " completely true" and " completely false" and i think we are here dealing with a fundamental mistake of our society: " managing subjectivity with a class logic" or managing a situation with the wrong tool that is what lies behind all the problem. Very few people in this world are able to understand that their own God may not be the God of everybody, that their truth might be wrong in another part of the world. any comments, disagreements (that is only my truth)..are welcome

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