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A couple of weeks ago I found out that my current bf of 3 months cheated on his last gf, who he had being seeing for 1 year. It was a one night stand and he told his gf about it the next day, he broke up with her due to the "guilt" he felt. It happened about 3-4 years ago when he was 18-19 and at the time he was going through a difficult period. Two of his close family members had passed away and he was also quite a heavy user of drugs. Last night I found out that my bfs Dad left his gf, the mother of my bf when he was 6mnths old. My bfs Dad was seeing someone else. I have asked my bf if he is able to cheat on someone again, it runs in the family maybe, and he said definitely not, he could never do that to someone again and he cares too much about me to hurt me. I was angry when I found out that he cheated on his ex because it seems very out of character for him, i have known of him for about 4yrs eg seen him at parties and i work with him. He is quiet, polite and never got with/went home with any girl at the parties i have seen him at. He regards his cheating past as the worst thing i could ever know about him. He does not pressure me about sex, has told me he loves me after 10 wks, hangs out with my family, im his first gf after about 3 yrs, he does look slightly at other girls but is not promiscuous. He seems like an all round nice guy, just cant believe he had the cheating streak in him. So after just finding about his once cheating Dad, i am getting worried. Am i being paranoid, should i wait until he does something cheating like before i begin to lose trust? any advice is greatly much appreciated...thanks

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I would watch him somewhat carefully but not overtly distrust him.


*He told you about it, and he told HER about

*He suffered for it (somewhat)

*It was a young relationship, and young people are not built for long term commitment -- love and passion, maybe, but not commitment.


The biggest thing I can think though is that he is still fairly young, and may not have all this type of behavior out of his system. Make sure he understands, without making a huge issue out of it, that you will be gone if he cheats.

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