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Man of my life and othe women

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I am 38 and I have lived a fairy tale until recently.

I had different experiences, but have never learnt some basic things. And that is coming back to hit mi now.

We were both married when we met (I know, I know, bad, bad, bad…)

But we fell in love. None of us can explain. We started as friends first, and than it happened…

We resisted the temptation as long as we could. And than, all of a sudden his wife suggested swapping partners – how could anyone resist that? Plus no one gets hurt, right? Wrong! It was fun while it lasted (for all of us), but it ended with so much jealousy.

We never stopped seeing each other, not for long anyway. We tried to stay apart, but it never worked. We thought we were made for each other.

I started to be jealous of him having sex with his wife.

Then I realised that he also wants other women. I didn’t like that, didn’t like that at all! I left him and managed to stay away for a year. He got divorced meanwhile, and was trying to find someone new. I thought I moved on with my life. But again somehow, after a year or so, we ended up together. I just could not resist him. Again.

Went through the whole story again, I hated his interest in other women and this time I ended it when he told me that one of his exes has absolutely perfect body and basically he made a compromise by being with me.

Looking back I can’t believe that it happened again, but we got back once more.

This time, we were convinced that all the time it was a big misunderstanding and now we’re going to fix it.

In the process I told him that I hate that he is so interested in other women, and that is where I found that all men are interested in other women. In all these years, I never wanted to have sex with anyone else and could not believe that this is an everyday experience for him.

Now he is claiming that he doesn’t want anyone else, and I know he is lying because I have finally got it. Men never want only one woman. I haven’t completely digested that fact, but I know enough to see that he is only trying to make me feel better.

Now, I am still with him, totally depressed, realising that I’ve spent most of my life believing in a fairy tale. I have no intentions to stop him in any way in dong whatever he is doing with other women. There is no point in leaving him, as every other man will be the same in that respect.

How could I be so stupid? I should’ve figured that out years ago. But I didn’t and now I feel miserable.

I want to move on, but I find it very hard.

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We were both married when we met (I know, I know, bad, bad, bad…)


I never wanted to have sex with anyone else and could not believe that this is an everyday experience for him.




Your fairy tale is just one of your many delusions. Wake up.

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