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can anyone relate to this?


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Hey...I have been dating this girl, Katie for well we're just starting our fifth month together...she has a history of cheating on her boyfriends and I've never been in love with someone like her before. I am 19 years old...she is almost 16. I'll get to the beginning...a year ago she liked me..she thought I was hot so she got her friend to ask me out...we went out but never spoke...she dumped me after two days--two days. Now I seen her 5 months ago (JUNE) and she walks up to me and says talk to me. SO i took her for a drive in my car and she asked if I still liked her...I kinda played dumb ( I did) but I asked why? and she says well I still like you...andyway that night we met she kissed me and called me the next day and asked me to come and see her...well she ended up taking me to her cottage and she asked me to have sex with her! on the second day and then she kind of hinted me into asking her out...I did..and that night she said she loved me. Which I thought was strange on the second day. Anyway everyday we would see each other...it was the summer. I would drive to her house every day to visit her...after two weeks we started having sex again and we went to the movies alot..I bought her roses...after a month she started coming to my house and sleeping over...we slept together. Anyway you know how she had a history of being chasing boys and stuff and cheating? well she was in cadets and she had to go away in camp for 6 weeks and she told me she wanted to break up with me until she got back which i thought was fishy so i told her no if she was doing that i am going to break up with her even though i didn't want to in my heart...so she said "i dont want to lose you forever" so i agreed with her...but in the next few days right before she left i guess we got a little bit closer because she told me she didn;t want to do the six week thing anymore. anyway she went to the army anyway katie came home after two weeks because she hurt her knee. anyway she flirts really bad...on our 3rd month anniversary i took her out to a fancy restaurant.. a movie..and then we went to a cottage and made love...anyway it was around this time that her parents asked me to move in with them..and now i am living with her and her parents...we shower together..sleep together every night. i drive her to school in the mornings..see her at lunch...pick her up after school...spend every day together..we cuddle all the time...but we fight alot too..she has a temper and a sarcastic attitide.


i can't believe its been 5 months. she wants me to propose to her on ne years eve. do you think we will last?

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do i think you will last??




she's ALMOST 16 YEARS OLD!!!! hooley dooley! marriage to her right now is a NOVELTY....just like the backstreet boys and skechers and henna tattoos (not that i'm saying she likes these, but i'm sure you get my drift).


i'm a little stunned....*ALMOST* 16, flirts her butt off, a history of CHEATING....asks you to have sex with her (*she's ALMOST 16*), said she loves you 2 days into the relationship....i hate to be the one to break it to you buddy, but she's living in a fantasy land. this sounds like something from the bold and the beautiful. i can go without watching that show for 5 years and the same ole bollocks is still happening....cheating, divorcing, bonking, marriages, divorcing. she is WAAAAY too young to know what she wants. the IDEA of getting married is probably wonderful to her...THE IDEA. i used to dream of prince charming whisking me away on his white horse when i was 16. i seriously thought marriage would be something i would do a few years after i left school. nuh uh.


really, look at this girl's actions as you describe them and you will find a very naive, restless, sarcastic, argumentative, dreamy YOUNG GIRL. all the signs are pointing to crazyville if you ask her to marry you.


by the way, are you serious that you shower and sleep with her under her parents roof? they asked you to move in???? are they part of a cult or something?


best wishes :)

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Honey, wake up. She is way too young and immature. Why are you living there? I think you should run. Run far away. She is sixteen and has no clue on how the world even works. Next she will want a baby. Trust me, we don't need another teenage girl pregnant. If you are questioning it, shouldn't that say something. If you are ready to make that big of a commitment with someone, there should be no questions. There should be no questions on wiether you make it or not. Marriage is a commitment, through thick and through thin. You really should run. Trust me. You have no idea what the world has to offer. Check it out.

Hey...I have been dating this girl, Katie for well we're just starting our fifth month together...she has a history of cheating on her boyfriends and I've never been in love with someone like her before. I am 19 years old...she is almost 16. I'll get to the beginning...a year ago she liked me..she thought I was hot so she got her friend to ask me out...we went out but never spoke...she dumped me after two days--two days. Now I seen her 5 months ago (JUNE) and she walks up to me and says talk to me. SO i took her for a drive in my car and she asked if I still liked her...I kinda played dumb ( I did) but I asked why? and she says well I still like you...andyway that night we met she kissed me and called me the next day and asked me to come and see her...well she ended up taking me to her cottage and she asked me to have sex with her! on the second day and then she kind of hinted me into asking her out...I did..and that night she said she loved me. Which I thought was strange on the second day. Anyway everyday we would see each other...it was the summer. I would drive to her house every day to visit her...after two weeks we started having sex again and we went to the movies alot..I bought her roses...after a month she started coming to my house and sleeping over...we slept together. Anyway you know how she had a history of being chasing boys and stuff and cheating? well she was in cadets and she had to go away in camp for 6 weeks and she told me she wanted to break up with me until she got back which i thought was fishy so i told her no if she was doing that i am going to break up with her even though i didn't want to in my heart...so she said "i dont want to lose you forever" so i agreed with her...but in the next few days right before she left i guess we got a little bit closer because she told me she didn;t want to do the six week thing anymore. anyway she went to the army anyway katie came home after two weeks because she hurt her knee. anyway she flirts really bad...on our 3rd month anniversary i took her out to a fancy restaurant.. a movie..and then we went to a cottage and made love...anyway it was around this time that her parents asked me to move in with them..and now i am living with her and her parents...we shower together..sleep together every night. i drive her to school in the mornings..see her at lunch...pick her up after school...spend every day together..we cuddle all the time...but we fight alot too..she has a temper and a sarcastic attitide. i can't believe its been 5 months. she wants me to propose to her on ne years eve. do you think we will last?
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Oh, and one more thing. Do you even know what marriage symbolizes? It is not just what people do when they are in love. It is a vow to one another. Come hell or high water that love is strong and powerful. Remember that.

Hey...I have been dating this girl, Katie for well we're just starting our fifth month together...she has a history of cheating on her boyfriends and I've never been in love with someone like her before. I am 19 years old...she is almost 16. I'll get to the beginning...a year ago she liked me..she thought I was hot so she got her friend to ask me out...we went out but never spoke...she dumped me after two days--two days. Now I seen her 5 months ago (JUNE) and she walks up to me and says talk to me. SO i took her for a drive in my car and she asked if I still liked her...I kinda played dumb ( I did) but I asked why? and she says well I still like you...andyway that night we met she kissed me and called me the next day and asked me to come and see her...well she ended up taking me to her cottage and she asked me to have sex with her! on the second day and then she kind of hinted me into asking her out...I did..and that night she said she loved me. Which I thought was strange on the second day. Anyway everyday we would see each other...it was the summer. I would drive to her house every day to visit her...after two weeks we started having sex again and we went to the movies alot..I bought her roses...after a month she started coming to my house and sleeping over...we slept together. Anyway you know how she had a history of being chasing boys and stuff and cheating? well she was in cadets and she had to go away in camp for 6 weeks and she told me she wanted to break up with me until she got back which i thought was fishy so i told her no if she was doing that i am going to break up with her even though i didn't want to in my heart...so she said "i dont want to lose you forever" so i agreed with her...but in the next few days right before she left i guess we got a little bit closer because she told me she didn;t want to do the six week thing anymore. anyway she went to the army anyway katie came home after two weeks because she hurt her knee. anyway she flirts really bad...on our 3rd month anniversary i took her out to a fancy restaurant.. a movie..and then we went to a cottage and made love...anyway it was around this time that her parents asked me to move in with them..and now i am living with her and her parents...we shower together..sleep together every night. i drive her to school in the mornings..see her at lunch...pick her up after school...spend every day together..we cuddle all the time...but we fight alot too..she has a temper and a sarcastic attitide. i can't believe its been 5 months. she wants me to propose to her on ne years eve. do you think we will last?
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Honey, wake up. She is way too young and immature. Why are you living there? I think you should run. Run far away. She is sixteen and has no clue on how the world even works. Next she will want a baby. Trust me, we don't need another teenage girl pregnant. If you are questioning it, shouldn't that say something. If you are ready to make that big of a commitment with someone, there should be no questions. There should be no questions on wiether you make it or not. Marriage is a commitment, through thick and through thin. You really should run. Trust me. You have no idea what the world has to offer. Check it out.
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