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Isn't it a relationship.....

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Been dating a girl for just over four months now. I'm 32 and shes 30. I have started getting used to her being around(this i have told her) and my feelings are growing for her(I havent told her this). We spend almost every weekend together including me spending the night over her place and we are intimate. We get along great and have many of the same interests etc. She has been keeping her feelings inside of her. She hasnt told me to get lost, but when i do bring up the topic of her and I she just says she dosent want to talk about it. She has also said on occasion that we are not in a relationship!??? She says we havent known each other long enough to call it that. Then what does she want to call it? I am confused by this and we are currently not talking to one another because I brought that topic up again. Is she just scared and/or is she just saying this to keep her feelings in check for her own good for awhile longer? Usually I am the one to keep my feelings inside not the woman! If she dosent want me around why dosent she just say so?

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Chocolate Woman

After reading what you have written, i can tell you what I think her problem is- she is suffering from what a lot of men usually suffer from-not being able to handle her true feelings. Like many women, she has probably had her share of bad relationships, and is probably scared to take this to the next level because she is scared of getting hurt. Don't blame yourself, i think you did the right thing by letting her know how you feel, because that is very important. Maybe she'll come around, but if not...you know what they say..."you don't miss a good thing until its gone."

Been dating a girl for just over four months now. I'm 32 and shes 30. I have started getting used to her being around(this i have told her) and my feelings are growing for her(I havent told her this). We spend almost every weekend together including me spending the night over her place and we are intimate. We get along great and have many of the same interests etc. She has been keeping her feelings inside of her. She hasnt told me to get lost, but when i do bring up the topic of her and I she just says she dosent want to talk about it. She has also said on occasion that we are not in a relationship!??? She says we havent known each other long enough to call it that. Then what does she want to call it? I am confused by this and we are currently not talking to one another because I brought that topic up again. Is she just scared and/or is she just saying this to keep her feelings in check for her own good for awhile longer? Usually I am the one to keep my feelings inside not the woman! If she dosent want me around why dosent she just say so?
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She smells like a burn victim to me, Jon. Perhaps some bad experiences in the past has caused her to build walls. She's definately *interested* but is obviously overly catious.


Wait a little longer, and it things don't eventually change, it may be time for you to move on. Some people have inseen scars that will never heal. And others just take a little more time...

Been dating a girl for just over four months now. I'm 32 and shes 30. I have started getting used to her being around(this i have told her) and my feelings are growing for her(I havent told her this). We spend almost every weekend together including me spending the night over her place and we are intimate. We get along great and have many of the same interests etc. She has been keeping her feelings inside of her. She hasnt told me to get lost, but when i do bring up the topic of her and I she just says she dosent want to talk about it. She has also said on occasion that we are not in a relationship!??? She says we havent known each other long enough to call it that. Then what does she want to call it? I am confused by this and we are currently not talking to one another because I brought that topic up again. Is she just scared and/or is she just saying this to keep her feelings in check for her own good for awhile longer? Usually I am the one to keep my feelings inside not the woman! If she dosent want me around why dosent she just say so?
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