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My ex and I dated for 2 1/2 years before I broke it off last march. I thought that it would be the best for the both of us. Things were going pretty well until about the end of june when things started going bad for me. Everything in my life was screwed up and I realized how much she really meant to me. I have been trying to get back together with her since July but have gotten nowhere. I have apologized to her, sent her flowers, wrote her, and talked to her. The last 6 weeks I have cooled off and have not brought up the topic. We have stayed friends throughout all of this but she says she doesn't want a relationship right now but still has feelings for me. I need some help FAST! She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't want to lose her.

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Give her the space and time she needs. Sometimes if you try too hard you only end up pushing them further away. Enjoy the friendship that you have for now. Remind her of how much fun you are and how great you are. just don't be pushy about it. I don't know what kind of problems you had before, but maybe they somehow affected her life as well. Maybe she is scared to get hurt again. Be her friend. Sometimes flowers and comments can be overwhelming. Give it some time. I there is still the connection, things will eventually spark up again. Good luck to ya!

My ex and I dated for 2 1/2 years before I broke it off last march. I thought that it would be the best for the both of us. Things were going pretty well until about the end of june when things started going bad for me. Everything in my life was screwed up and I realized how much she really meant to me. I have been trying to get back together with her since July but have gotten nowhere. I have apologized to her, sent her flowers, wrote her, and talked to her. The last 6 weeks I have cooled off and have not brought up the topic. We have stayed friends throughout all of this but she says she doesn't want a relationship right now but still has feelings for me. I need some help FAST! She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't want to lose her.
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My ex and I dated for 2 1/2 years before I broke it off last march. I thought that it would be the best for the both of us. Things were going pretty well until about the end of june when things started going bad for me. Everything in my life was screwed up and I realized how much she really meant to me. I have been trying to get back together with her since July but have gotten nowhere. I have apologized to her, sent her flowers, wrote her, and talked to her. The last 6 weeks I have cooled off and have not brought up the topic. We have stayed friends throughout all of this but she says she doesn't want a relationship right now but still has feelings for me. I need some help FAST! She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't want to lose her.

If you really love this girl then you will respect what she wants and you never know you might end up liking being just friends more than you think. There are so many people in this world for you to worry about one female. By the way, how old are you. You might be too young to be caught up in this LOVE thing just yet.

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There are circumstances in which someone is not likely to date the same person again after a breakup. A lot depends on how you broke up, why you broke up and why you want to get back together.

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from what you wrote, it wasn't until things in your life were going bad that you "suddenly realized" (yah, right) that you wanted her back. doesn't sound to me like a sincere reason for wanting someone back in your life. get the things in your life straightened out first, then see if you still feel the same way. maybe you won't. and maybe you and she simply aren't meant to be together as anything other than friends.

My ex and I dated for 2 1/2 years before I broke it off last march. I thought that it would be the best for the both of us. Things were going pretty well until about the end of june when things started going bad for me. Everything in my life was screwed up and I realized how much she really meant to me. I have been trying to get back together with her since July but have gotten nowhere. I have apologized to her, sent her flowers, wrote her, and talked to her. The last 6 weeks I have cooled off and have not brought up the topic. We have stayed friends throughout all of this but she says she doesn't want a relationship right now but still has feelings for me. I need some help FAST! She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't want to lose her.
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