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How do I figure this out?


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Alright so Ive met a girl and we have been taking things very slow and what not and thats cool with me. But she still talks with the ex boyfriend quite a bit. It even went so far as she invited him to go out with us (and some other friends) on her birthday. How I have a serious issue: the other day I noticed that she had a box of condoms in the cabinet in her bathroom. Shame on me for looking but I was brushing my teeth before we went out. Now a few days later some of the condoms are gone! Now what do I do?!? I mean why hang out with me all the time and then get a booty call from this other guy? What the heck is that all about? Should I say anything or just blow her off? I swear I get burned by more B%6!hes in this town than anyone!!

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Unless you two are dating exclusively or have some other commitment to one another, you don't have any basis to discuss her booty calls.


If you want to be in an exclusive relationship with her, then maybe it's time to talk to her and find out if she is interested in the same thing. Do this because you have sincere feelings toward her, not because you don't want anyone else calling on her booty.


Whatever the current arrangement is or what arrangement you want, you lack a certain amount of trust in her and are suspicious of her behavior when she is not with you. That is not very solid ground to have a relationship on or build one from. OK. So you happened upon the box of condoms innocently. But you went further than that. You not only counted them, you went back and counted them again! That indicates you do not trust her in certain, important ways.


My suggestion is that you don't discuss the box of condoms with her for two reasons:


1) If you are in an exclusive relationship with her, you don't trust her. Maybe for good reason, I don't know. Nevertheless, you don't trust her and possibly shouldn't be in an exclusive relationship with her at this time.


2) If you are not in an exclusive relationship with her, then she does not necessarily owe you any explanation of what she does with her condoms.


You really need to take a long look at this relationship. Where it is now and where you want it to be, how much you trust her now and how much you want to trust her.

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