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Rest periods between excercize

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I do push-ups in my flat every now and then. I heard you're meant to rest for a few days inbetwen excercise. Is this for the cells to multiply and be prepared for more pressure next time? Also whats the recommended rest period?

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many different views about that.

anywhere between working same muscle group

4-5times a week to once a week.

myself i allow at least 48 hours before hitting the

same muscles again.


how many pushups can you do?

if its over 15 in one set you're not really working to gain muscles but on muscle endurance.


why only pushups? what are your goals?



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I don't know really, I just decided to do a little excercise and thought since theres not much room in my flat that something like push-ups was appropriate. I only do about 3 sets of 15-20 push-ups every now and then.


I just want to start getting fitter, I play football twice a week but I simply don't have the stamina to do everything I want to do. I'm only young but get out of breath from little work. I'm thinking of doing some running now that the weathers getting nicer, any suggestions?

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Well if you're playing foolball twice a week and

working hard doing that. its a very good endurance workout by itself. from what you are saying sounds like

you want higher endurance. what you're doing already

should be more then enough for endurance training. but if you want more you can always as you suggested go runing.



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I looked up some running/jogging basics and it was talking about avoiding shin splints by running on softer ground. I live in the city centre so im a bit f00ked, I think I'll give it a go in a few days. Too many late nights out are catching up on me :D

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