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How to get over her??? me!!!

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ok,my gf just decided to breakup with me a month ago,she was my first love for 1yr and i hurts me wen i found out that she was havin a relationship with her lessen's teacher who is 4yrs her senior.i was so f***in shocked and hang up on her,but she called and said she still wanted to be friends and told me dat i was d best gf shes ever had....but it seems dat d friendship is not goin well becoz everytime i talk to her i will always bring up d topic on her could she do dat to me.But deep inside me i still love her so much and im tryin my best to not cry,but every now and then i feel so f***in angry and just wanta go over her bf and stab d motherf***er for good,becoz how could he take away my baby just like dat.........it hurts so much to see her hav fun and to see me just feelin miserable and so f***ed up,i mean me and her wen through alot together and promised each other lots of things in d future and now is just f***ed up......now everytime i think of her i get depressed and angry and like i can't f***in move on wit my life.......and d thing is dat she is goin to get married soon........and dat makes me wanta just kill somebody...........i hope somebody can get me some advice before i do something dat will earn me a life sentence.Coz i no her bf is f***in laughin his head off of me.........

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told me dat i was d best gf shes ever had...


Are you a man or woman?


how could he take away my baby just like dat


He didn't take her. She left. Don't be naive.


she was my first love


Nevermind... you are naive. Ok... just realize that who you think she is is not who she actually is. No matter how much you think she is a sweet girl and you're in love with her... you are wrong. You are unaware. She's a deceptive cheater.


i hope somebody can get me some advice


Punctuation and spelling are valuable skills.


Coz i no her bf is f***in laughin his head off of me.........


Ha! Oh crap... I just laughed at you... am I getting stabbed? Stop being so insecure. Find a new girl and grow up.

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Most people find the loss of their first love to be intensely difficult, so remember that many people have been there and survived for even better times.


First off, do you think harming the guy is going to benefit anyone? Do you think, even if the guy didnt exist, you would still be with your girlfriend? Almost positively, your girlfriend would STILL have broken up with you. He didnt "take her" away, we cant own another person. You will still be angry. You will still be hurt. Your ex will be pushed away from you and will probably think you are obsessive. You will be letting yourself down.


I think you need to go No Contact, at least for a few months. Think about how hard it is for you every time you see / talk to your ex? Think about how much turmoil that puts you in, with racing thoughts, what ifs and analyzing everything that is said and done.


Wouldnt it be nice to take a break from all that intense emotion and relax for a while? Get back to being you. You know yourself, that when you feel that intensely it is very hard to control how you act, so stay away from the intensity. I read something the other day, "If you can walk away from something easily, only then are you safe to walk towards it".


Do you think it is productive to put all that pressure on your ex?

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Most people find the loss of their first love to be intensely difficult, so remember that many people have been there and survived for even better times.


First off, do you think harming the guy is going to benefit anyone? Do you think, even if the guy didnt exist, you would still be with your girlfriend? Almost positively, your girlfriend would STILL have broken up with you. He didnt "take her" away, we cant own another person. You will still be angry. You will still be hurt. Your ex will be pushed away from you and will probably think you are obsessive. You will be letting yourself down.


I think you need to go No Contact, at least for a few months. Think about how hard it is for you every time you see / talk to your ex? Think about how much turmoil that puts you in, with racing thoughts, what ifs and analyzing everything that is said and done.


Wouldnt it be nice to take a break from all that intense emotion and relax for a while? Get back to being you. You know yourself, that when you feel that intensely it is very hard to control how you act, so stay away from the intensity. I read something the other day, "If you can walk away from something easily, only then are you safe to walk towards it".


Do you think it is productive to put all that pressure on your ex?


100% agreed ! DO NOT CONTACT HER unless of course you want to get your heart ripped out a little more ....

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