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Dark side of yourself?


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What if....


you were taught to be an angel, behaving yourself in everyway, work hard on academy, etc etc...and


everyone only can see the Bright side of yourself




you know that the dark side of yourself is so dark that you can't believe?


to let the dark side explode OR hide it so that people still think that you are a very very good person?

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If you hide your dark side, it will one day explode. Any bad feelings you suppress will fester and poison you. Its better to come to terms with not being perfect, everybody has a dark side too. There is no light without shadows.


If the dark inside you seems to overhelm you, maybe because you have always suppressed and hidden it, go for help. My suggestion would be counseling, but if you are very religous a good priest might be of help too.


Sometimes, if someone has been raised in a very strict environement, perfectly normal feelings seem to be to dark (sinful) and then one has to learn to decide in ones own heart what is right and wrong. I mean things like some people would tell you, that having sex without being married is sinful, even a mortal sin, but I believe thiss was invented as sinful to have power over people and that there is nothing dark in sex as long as both partners as willing. I dont know what kind of "darkness" is bothering you, but as I said, go for help.


Btw "angels" are pretty booring. :-)

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Listen; noone is perfect.


If you are referring to disappointing your parents, realize that they were once young too and made their share of mistakes.


You need to talk to someone; someone you can trust who may be a little older, who will understand what you are putting yourself through. Is there an aunt/ uncle or older sibling in the family? It sounds like you were raised by someone who cares; by your statements. I am sure they would not want you to feel this way. They would probably want to help you. If mom and dad cannot be talked with about this, then I hope you consider turning to someone else in the family as I had mentioned.


Try not to beat yourself up, it's not worth it. Everyone strays off the path a little. Everyone. As long as you remember what you were taught as a child, and make the right choices that don't hurt you or someone else, then you will be okay. Forgive yourself for the little things and save your energy for the greater tasks. If you got drunk and stupid or tampered with drugs or something, then keep that isolated. Don't hurt yourself. Noone is an angel, don't even think like that. Only in your parents eyes because thats how they see you. They will always see you like that. (it's a parent thing) And trust me, they will love you no matter what. So open yourself up about this and let it all out. You will feel better for it. I hope this helps.

What if.... you were taught to be an angel, behaving yourself in everyway, work hard on academy, etc etc...and everyone only can see the Bright side of yourself but you know that the dark side of yourself is so dark that you can't believe? to let the dark side explode OR hide it so that people still think that you are a very very good person?
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