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why can't i get my d*** wet somewhere else?

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Lost in the wetness somewhere? jk


Or he never had them in the first place. :lmao:

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T_C , it' sad that you felt you had to be other than who you are to ask a question that is somewhat valid. Other than emotional reasons and std's , or a mutual agreement to be faithful.There are no reasons not to have multiple sexual parteners.As humans , we incorperate our sexuality in order to bond enough to work as a unit , as a family .If you want to continue to roam, I would suggest not getting married at all as your fiance is not interested in having an open marrige.

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Yep - I refer to a man like that as a pussy!


Or the Ball-Less Wonder. :laugh:

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At the end of the day Cal, it doesn't really matter worth a damn what any of us think about this. The only person whose opinion matters is your fiancee.


I gather that she's made her feelings on the subject clear -- once you're with her, you don't f*** other women. If you can live with that, great -- go get married. If you can't, then don't marry her. We're not the ones you have to convince -- she is.


Don't be sarcastic. If your really a guy you know there is a big difference between taking my pleasure like a man and being a girl and laying down and taking it because it's my job. That's not cool.

Every woman I've slept with would disagree with this one. Wake up and enter the 21st century -- it's not the 50s anymore. Women enjoy sex too. Some even have orgasms! :eek:


If she's okay with you f***ing other women, then there's no problem (leaving out health and pregnancy issues). Knock yourself out. You say that she's not into the idea of screwing other guys; lucky you. However, people change their minds. Curiosity is a powerful force. And if you marry her and she one day decides "hmmm, Cal sleeps with other women, why can't I sleep with other men?", then IMHO she'll be completely within her rights to do so. How's that sit with you? Again, if you're okay with her one day getting her f*** on with somebody else, then go for it. Just don't pretend later than you didn't walk into the situation with your eyes open.

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It is apparent something in him is not feeling right regarding his current relationship, beliefs and desires.


He needs to evaluate his belief system.

Because it's not working for him..


(I get told this all the time. When I truly look at my beliefs I can see there is conflicting beliefs and I need to figure out what I can live with and without and make those necessary changes.)

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What if one of the women you have sex with falls in love with you and goes psycho. She might threaten you, show up at your house, send notes to your wife. It is a matter of numbers until you come across her.


What if you get an STD? Warts and herpes can be contracted even while using a condom as long as your skin touches her in your private part, not necessarily the part covered with the condom.


What about the natural reaction of a woman, your wife to be, having thoughts about it in her head that will lead her to resent you. Even though you find it to be ok, for your selfish gratification you will risk losing her love. Your joy will come at the expense of any wife you marry who you want to put up with this juvenile behavior. Would you be ok if she was sleeping around too? For her to come home in the middle of the night because she was sexing it up with a stranger?


It's like you don't see the picture. It's like a 1,000 pound person saying who cares if I eat 20 pizzas in one sitting, it tastes good, it's only food. They fail to see the consequences just as you are.

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I don't know why you guys are wasting your time with this. He seems to have already made up his mind about the issue - although using an alias as a weak cover to post this originally gives reason to pause - and he's gonna do whatever HE wants as long as HE is satisfied. Typical selfish and self-serving behaviour - behaviour that does not take into account its potentially serious consequences.

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I don't know why you guys are wasting your time with this. He seems to have already made up his mind about the issue - although using an alias as a weak cover to post this originally gives reason to pause - and he's gonna do whatever HE wants as long as HE is satisfied. Typical selfish and self-serving behaviour - behaviour that does not take into account its potentially serious consequences.


It's been a long time since I have agreed with you Smooch.

It really feels nice.. because at one time I agreed with you a lot.


(I took you off 'ignor' :p awhile back.)

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well I am ticked that he never answered any of my questions.


1.) How would you feel if your wife decides at some point to sleep with other men as well.


2.) have you discussed what marriage means to you and to your wife. Do your views work together?


3.) Hvae you actualy told you wife you intend to do this.


4.) when you said you discussed it how did you go about it?

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I don't know why you guys are wasting your time with this. He seems to have already made up his mind about the issue - although using an alias as a weak cover to post this originally gives reason to pause - and he's gonna do whatever HE wants as long as HE is satisfied. Typical selfish and self-serving behaviour - behaviour that does not take into account its potentially serious consequences.



Great post SF!


I too agree wholeheartedly... selfish motives are very telling about one's character and values....

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It's been a long time since I have agreed with you Smooch.

It really feels nice.. because at one time I agreed with you a lot.


(I took you off 'ignor' :p awhile back.)


I never had you on ignore, so there! :p


It's all good, Pada... :)

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Great post SF!


I too agree wholeheartedly... selfish motives are very telling about one's character and values....


Why thank you. :)


Frankly, I think it's time to move on... there are others here who could actually use some advice instead of those who are merely looking for validation and approval of what they have already planned. :)

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I mean no disrespect, and I have seen teacoolers name before but haven't read his posts but the whole time I was thinking teacooler was a woman. :confused: Thats what I get for not looking at profiles maybe? Sorry, ok moving along.







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I mean no disrespect, and I have seen teacoolers name before but haven't read his posts but the whole time I was thinking teacooler was a woman. :confused: Thats what I get for not looking at profiles maybe? Sorry, ok moving along.








I completely thought teacooler was a chick too!

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Tea cooler is a girl here is one of her latest post about setting the date.


i set a date



i finally set a date!


the weekend of valentine's day 2008... i thought it was cheese factory at first. now i just like the idea of cold, which is what i wanted to begin with. and lots of candles. and nighttime.


here's my dress...it's the one in the middle...




i am so freaking excited. i want to show you all the other details i have so far, but i'm afraid to on the internet!


Guys don't pick out wedding dresses. something is going on here. Maybe calihound is tea coolers bf.

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Tea cooler is a girl here is one of her latest post about setting the date.


i set a date



i finally set a date!


the weekend of valentine's day 2008... i thought it was cheese factory at first. now i just like the idea of cold, which is what i wanted to begin with. and lots of candles. and nighttime.


here's my dress...it's the one in the middle...




i am so freaking excited. i want to show you all the other details i have so far, but i'm afraid to on the internet!


Guys don't pick out wedding dresses. something is going on here. Maybe calihound is tea coolers bf.

Your right , now I'm really confused. Male ,female ,shemale perhaps?
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Your right , now I'm really confused. Male ,female ,shemale perhaps?


Does it matter? :rolleyes:

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Holy s***, I can't believe this thread. Talk about wanting your cake and eating it too, 24/7.


Everyone seems to be missing the fact that she does not agree with this, it's not okay, it sickens her. She loves me, she wants to marry me and only be with me. She woudn't be with me otherwise. She wouldn't bother marrying me if she wanted to be with other people because she doesn't blieve in it.


You may love her, but you do NOT respect her or her feelings -PERIOD. That is what this comes down to. She is choosing NOT to sleep with ANY other men by committing to YOU. You want to commit to her, love her, be her friend, be her lover - Yet you still wanna f*** other women because you can separate 'love and sex'. BIG f***ing deal. MOST men can do that eh! MOST men CHOOSE to give up f***ing other women when they get serious about someone and/or get married...


You can't expect her to be OK with your choice. If you want to find a woman who will let you f*** others, then GO find that woman...Problem is, the one you're with now shouldn't have to "let" you do this to her.


Your acting very selfish - And that is OK if you want to BE selfish, ON your own - But don't make your girlfriend have to put up with your selfishness...If you truly love her, break up with her and allow to her to find a marry she can marry, have children with, and most of all, be with a man who isn't wanting to f*** other women. It's that plain and simple.

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I don't see how anyone can say that I am not 100% committed to my wife-to-be just because of this. And I say "just because of this" because to me that's all it is. It's just sex.


easy: because at some point in your wedding vows, you're going to verbally commit to forsaking all others. It's a travesty if you mouthe those words and don't mean it, but she believes in her heart that you do. Again, why bother if the whole relationship thing is about sex anyway? Why single out this woman – who wants only two people in her marriage – if you want more than just her?


Some of you seem to think that just because I feel this way means I am trying to bang anything that moves. I'm not. I haven't cheated yet, but I haven't wanted to. If I do want to though, to me, it wouldn't mean anything more than sex.


or are you saying this to have your options open because you're worried about being monogamous with her, knowing that if given the opportunity, you'll cheat on your marriage? Or do you just want to cover all bases? Or does the idea of being that committed worry you? I can kind of see making a blanket statement that you're probably not going to be faithful as letting someone know not to take the relationship too seriously ...

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I don't think tea cooler or calihound is coming back. Maybe calihound found tea cooler posting here and wrote this out of anger or to get opions and accidently loged in as tea cooler and now he's screwed.


Or maybe they're both trolls

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It all comes down to this...


If you want to be married - Give up the desire to have sex with other women. It's the sacrifix that one makes when saying vows or staying in a committed relationship.




It's that simple. The choice is yours.........

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