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why can't i get my d*** wet somewhere else?

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It all comes down to this...


If you want to be married - Give up the desire to have sex with other women. It's the sacrifix that one makes when saying vows or staying in a committed relationship.




It's that simple. The choice is yours.........



WWIU that is my thought too!;)

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This is slightly off topic, but has anybody else noticed that this board has stopped censoring the use of expletives?


About time too.

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This is slightly off topic, but has anybody else noticed that this board has stopped censoring the use of expletives?

f*** yeah!

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It doesnt even matter if you use protection. Even her giving you a blowjob without a condom will give you the same stds. Or even any part of her downstairs touching your penis with no protection, even without any fluids involved, can give you certain stds.

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If you truly loved your wife like you said you do, then you would respect her wishes and refrain from shooting your load into another woman. I dont think she even quite understands the MESS shes getting into by marrying you. POOR GIRL!

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uh, what the frig?


I don't get so confused are you a chick or a dude? Are you calihound's gf or another personality for calihound?

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uh, what the frig?


So what's the excuse... somebody else used your ID today? :rolleyes:

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So what's the excuse... somebody else used your ID today? :rolleyes:


f*** you smoochieface. go f*** your f***ing mother.

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Sorry guys this is soooo besides the point of the thread, but teacooler, I am so embarressed as I thought you were a women!! :o :o In your "I set a date" post you mentioned your dress. If I said anything weird I'm soo terribly sorry!


Damn, I'm avoiding this thread w/all my might. My blood pressure is rising just reading it!! But, I've made my mind up to no longer say anything to posts like these. I get waaaaaay too worked up!


Apologies teacooler!! :o

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Too funny!


Too damn funny!


I have just pee'd my pants!


Do you want to wet your dick whilst you have your dress on?

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Ok, why is this weirdo pretending to be a man under this name but a woman under another? Maybe she is creating a post signifying how her husband feels, or maybe it just turns her on.

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Am I missing something here? Cuz I'm hella confused!!:confused:

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Hey, Calhound here, I'm new.


I want to know why is it such a big deal to have sex with someone else when you're in a relationship.


Not because of love, or committment, or because someone told you it was wrong to screw plural partners. I want to know why else, what it really means to you.


My fiance' and I disagree on this. I think that, especially since we are married (or will be) that it shoudl not matter who I have sex with. Obviously, my bond is with her. I love her, she's my queen. But why is it assumd that I can only have her puss and no one elses? I want to be married to her and only her, I won't leave her.


My d*** is just skin, so is a woman's puss. I know everyone yells "stds" everytime they can, but come on, how common are they. I don't know anyone with any. And if I was careful, I wouldn't harm my faince'.

ANd yes, I am ready to get married, I am not immature. I know my feelings for this woman.


So what is the real reason that it is not okay to share sex with someone when you're in love with someone else. The physical part isn't supposed to matter anyway, it's the feelings.


I don't want the feelings with someone else. I just want to make my d*** feel good with someone else (not anyone in particular), and I don't get why it's not okay to do that as long you stay emiotoinally faithfull.


If you were my Bob, I would have your head on a plate. And not to be mean, but how weak and pathetic of a woman is your FIANCEE that she would just quietly ignore this very huge, very disgusting problem that is your lack of morals and common sense?


I have to echo the few other posts I could stomach reading--Why get married at all?

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Am I missing something here? Cuz I'm hella confused!!:confused:


Teacooler made another name to post this thread!


Teacooler was a woman and now she has changed name she has decided to be a man who wants to wet his cock in other women when he gets married - Hey maybe he is marrying himself?

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Teacooler made another name to post this thread!


Teacooler was a woman and now she has changed name she has decided to be a man who wants to wet his cock in other women when he gets married - Hey maybe he is marrying himself?


Ah.. like a sex change? :lmao:

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SO this whole thread was a hoax? or Teacooler wanted to make a point but didn't want anyone to know it was her/him??

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I just read some of teacoolers old threads and she is talking about her beautiful wedding dress


I am wondering is Cal is Teacoolers hubby to be - I hope not! Poor girl if he is!

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No, Teacooler already made a post on here like it was him who made this whole thread.


The whole thing is pathetic. What's the story tea?

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I just read some of teacoolers old threads and she is talking about her beautiful wedding dress


I am wondering is Cal is Teacoolers hubby to be - I hope not! Poor girl if he is!


Yea that is what I saw, then I read a post on here talking about his wife-to-be???


I'm not even gonna figure this out :confused:

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Okay here are my 2 SEKs from many other surreal forum experiences.


My guess is that TeaCooler is a woman indeed. Cal is her guy, he did make a new name to post this issue (possibly to prove to her how closed minded LSers she may have liked are) and then posted not realizing she was logged in with that name because sure as hell that one post a few pages ago was a mistake.


I'd also guess there's a real crisis over there due to all the tension and drama his thread created and I think TeaCooler got her cue, so what do you all say we stop stoning him/them and wait for it all to play out and have TC come back and let us know what the outcome of the "debate" was?

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I say that if that is, infact, the case, that Teacooler packs her stuff quicksmart and gets the hell away from that man!


Thats what I say!

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