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why can't i get my d*** wet somewhere else?

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Okay here are my 2 SEKs from many other surreal forum experiences.


My guess is that TeaCooler is a woman indeed. Cal is her guy, he did make a new name to post this issue (possibly to prove to her how closed minded LSers she may have liked are) and then posted not realizing she was logged in with that name because sure as hell that one post a few pages ago was a mistake.



That would make sense since teacooler did just posts that "I set a date" post. I hope he/she was just goofing around and someone out there in this messed up world doesn't feel this way about marriage!!

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I say that if that is, infact, the case, that Teacooler packs her stuff quicksmart and gets the hell away from that man!


Thats what I say!


Well that's what I meant by "got her cue" Lishy but somehow I highly doubt it, she sounded very much in love and ready to take a lot on the other threads. Funny thing is, if I had to bet I'd say he is convinced he is in love as well, they just seem to have different definitions of it :(

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Why on earth would he post this crap in the same forum his fiance uses?


She so concerned over a stupid wedding dress when her fiance thinks like that?

YIKES! I'd rip that dress to shreds pronto.



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Um, I'm starting to think this whole teacooler character is playing games/jokes on us.


Look at their profile:


"i am a big fat std-ridden loser and everyone hates me. i even have cheese in my fat rools."




Rather not say Biography:

i'm fat Location:

I eat poo "

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Why on earth would he post this crap in the same forum his fiance uses?


She so concerned over a stupid wedding dress when her fiance thinks like that?

YIKES! I'd rip that dress to shreds pronto.



T_C /Cal was a troll all along ?
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Look at their profile


Those are changes to the profile AFTER the faux pas. Hence for all we know he could have made them. (Why? Beats me, to give the "I don't care" impression probably). It said differently before and there is no way someone posted 400 serious posts only to set us up for a troll act like this. No, I stand by what I said, this was not someone taking the piss but we got two sides of a tragic story into one.:(

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Damn, I get snowed under at work and I come back to this thread and I'm confused. Tea Cooler is Cal???? :confused:


Cal- I don't think you're a piece of s***, I just think it's selfish and I've seen it come to no good to other people I know.


If you're going to tell her point blank, "Once we get married, I intend to sleep with other women. I'm serious, so do not marry me if you're thinking I'm going to be faithful" Then I can see it, but if you're not, it's selfish. That's pretty damn honest and if she still decides to stay, it's all good IMO as long as you are protecting her from STD's.


Personally I've been on this site for a while now. People have bashed the hell out of me for being a former cheating wife. But since it was the truth, I just came right out and admitted it- hoping I could help someone else. In other words, if you're gonna have the balls to say it, you might as well say it and upfront about it rather than posting under a false name.

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It was interesting to see everyone's opinions on this. I know a number of men that feel the same way as the OP. Their mothers, sisters, and friends all try to talk to them and teach them about respect and commitment but it falls on deaf ears. They don't believe that there is anything wrong with what they are doing, nor do they believe that they are being selfish, so they don't feel they need help. Unfortunately I think this is a behavior that we are going to have to learn to accept because people won't change unless they want to.


True that all the way. No need to let something bother you if its never going to change. I learned that its best to not associate with those type.

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Yeah, well I bet they are both trolls. First off, NOBODY would be stupid enough to post in the same message board for advice as the spouse they are talking about. Secondly, teacooler would have found out about it already if he was using her name. Thirdly, why would he change her profile giving himself away and posting under her name just so she will end the wedding... that is if there even is a wedding.

I don't care if the person made 1000 posts, doesn't mean they aren't INSANE and most of their postings on here are all lies.


A "loving" husband wouldn't make such cruel comments about their own fiance on their profile.



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Teacooler made another name to post this thread!


Teacooler was a woman and now she has changed name she has decided to be a man who wants to wet his cock in other women when he gets married - Hey maybe he is marrying himself?


This is even too big of A Riddle for myself.:o

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Okay here are my 2 SEKs from many other surreal forum experiences.


My guess is that TeaCooler is a woman indeed. Cal is her guy, he did make a new name to post this issue (possibly to prove to her how closed minded LSers she may have liked are) and then posted not realizing she was logged in with that name because sure as hell that one post a few pages ago was a mistake.


I'd also guess there's a real crisis over there due to all the tension and drama his thread created and I think TeaCooler got her cue, so what do you all say we stop stoning him/them and wait for it all to play out and have TC come back and let us know what the outcome of the "debate" was?


Oh JC-who cares?? The thread is entertaining.......let it just go.

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Ok, but nobody about to get married would write those nasty things about their soon-to-be-wife in their profile for their wife to find out they've not only been posting on this site but also thinks that way about her. And he had to be stupid to choose the same forum she used to release these views.


I think that he/she FINALLY got busted for her lies on this site and is now changing her profile to make it looked like she got hacked or something, or just being a goofball to distract everyone from her deceit and make it look like she's playing a joke. Who knows. But the person is nuts.



Ok, sticking to the fake story.. first he loves her and would never say anything rude to her cause it would make her feel bad, next he's calling her "fat" in her profile etc? uh, yeah doubt it.

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Yup i eat piss sandwichs.



I think he/she, is really only 15.








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f*** you smoochieface. go f*** your f***ing mother.


Wow... three *f***s* in one post... sounds like you're in need of it more than yours truly! :lmao:

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well I wish teacooler/calihound would just come back and come clean and let us know what the f is going on instead of throwing insults around.

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well I wish teacooler/calihound would just come back and come clean and let us know what the f is going on instead of throwing insults around.


Nah... won't happen. It's easier for people like that to just hurl insults. I mean... there isn't much brainpower involved in saying *f*** f*** f****. That's the easy way out. Contrast that with actually explaining the situation in a *CCC* manner. :)

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Hey, Calhound here, I'm new.


I want to know why is it such a big deal to have sex with someone else when you're in a relationship.


Not because of love, or committment, or because someone told you it was wrong to screw plural partners. I want to know why else, what it really means to you.


My fiance' and I disagree on this. I think that, especially since we are married (or will be) that it shoudl not matter who I have sex with. Obviously, my bond is with her. I love her, she's my queen. But why is it assumd that I can only have her puss and no one elses? I want to be married to her and only her, I won't leave her.


My d*** is just skin, so is a woman's puss. I know everyone yells "stds" everytime they can, but come on, how common are they. I don't know anyone with any. And if I was careful, I wouldn't harm my faince'.

ANd yes, I am ready to get married, I am not immature. I know my feelings for this woman.


So what is the real reason that it is not okay to share sex with someone when you're in love with someone else. The physical part isn't supposed to matter anyway, it's the feelings.


I don't want the feelings with someone else. I just want to make my d*** feel good with someone else (not anyone in particular), and I don't get why it's not okay to do that as long you stay emiotoinally faithfull.


if you can be emotionally faithful...why not be physically faithful? how would you feel about her sucking some other guys d*ck?

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Oh please people just let this thread die, DIE!! :::stabs thread with a knife:::

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Oh please people just let this thread die' date=' DIE!! :::stabs thread with a knife:::[/quote']


No need to be threadicidal over it. :lmao:

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Looks like they were one in the same. Person never came back??


no, actually "they weren't one and the same."


wow, ya go away for a little bit and come back to this. unreal. your imaginations are remarkable, but it's not what you're thinking . now i see how people are talked about when they leave unexpectedly.


and as for you enoughisenough, what is your deal? i don't even know who the hell you are, who are you to speculate and demand answers from me? get a life.


this is old news to me anyway. but no, none of you were right on the money. i am not getting my dick wet anywhere, I DON'T HAVE A DICK. yes, i know how this place is, so think what you wish. but i don't like people who fake s***, i've said so before, so no it wasn't me playing a game. just as ridiculous, though, probably.


thanks to those who realized it didn't make any sense. i was confused myself. and that "what the frig" wasn't me.


holy crap. insane. take it easy, guys. and enoughisenough, go f*** yourself.

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Okay. Then will I go to jail for this? I doubt it.


I know what you're saying, and I appreciate it. But I don't see how anyone can say that I am not 100% committed to my wife-to-be just because of this. And I say "just because of this" because to me that's all it is. It's just sex.


Some of you seem to think that just because I feel this way means I am trying to bang anything that moves. I'm not. I haven't cheated yet, but I haven't wanted to. If I do want to though, to me, it wouldn't mean anything more than sex.


You think I'm crazy, but your ideas are just as different to me as mine are to you.


Im so severely confused TC!! :confused: :confused: :confused:


Can you explain this? It sounded like whoever the hell this Calihound or whoever wrote this but it's under your username. :confused: :confused: :confused: And then all the sudden you or however was using your username started posting these really weird one line posts.

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Pink Amulet

Well thanks to this thread I now feel sick and I also know about 10 other ways to say "have sex with a women" incl. Dip your noodle, get your dick wet, squirt your load into a hole. Each more charming than the next!! :lmao:

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