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So insecure


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I've been with this guy for about 2 months now-i know it's not a great length of time. He's a good looking guy&i would say im a good looking girl (when i've got make up on). Anyway, when i first got with him he said he's liked me for ages but i didn't really like him or even notice him to begin with. He was a lot nicer then. As he was so nice&thought he'd treat mt well, i decided to get with him. Now he doesn't ringh on time, he'll ring 2 hours late and i feel really insecure all the time. I like to be stable in a relationship! It feels like we're always just about to finish, but then when i c him he's great&everythings back to normal. Am i being paranoid or do i need to move on. He always gets girls around him that are pretty to. That's something else that worries me, he hasn't seen me without make up yet and because im blonde, i've normally got blonde eyelashes and eyebrows and it looks awful!!! the make up i use is dark, then i look great.


Please give me some advice about what i should do or be thinking.xxx

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every woman looks different without makeup on. that's why we use makeup, to improve our appearance and improve our features. don't feel bad coz you look different without makeup. nobody can give you advice on what you should be thinking. you think what you think. just be yourself, realize that you're worth a lot and that you deserve to be treated respectfully by a guy. if he's late calling you and this is a consistent habit of his, then you have to decide whether you can live with that, or should have to live with that. don't compare yourself other girls, thinking that you're not as pretty. every girl and woman alive thinks they aren't as pretty as someone else, but that doesn't mean it's true. i think all women are insecure to some extent in this regard. some of the most beautiful women in the world don't think they're very pretty. focus on the good qualities of your personality, the kind of person you are, what you have to give, the kind of heart you have, just be yourself and love yourself.

I've been with this guy for about 2 months now-i know it's not a great length of time. He's a good looking guy&i would say im a good looking girl (when i've got make up on). Anyway, when i first got with him he said he's liked me for ages but i didn't really like him or even notice him to begin with. He was a lot nicer then. As he was so nice&thought he'd treat mt well, i decided to get with him. Now he doesn't ringh on time, he'll ring 2 hours late and i feel really insecure all the time. I like to be stable in a relationship! It feels like we're always just about to finish, but then when i c him he's great&everythings back to normal. Am i being paranoid or do i need to move on. He always gets girls around him that are pretty to. That's something else that worries me, he hasn't seen me without make up yet and because im blonde, i've normally got blonde eyelashes and eyebrows and it looks awful!!! the make up i use is dark, then i look great. Please give me some advice about what i should do or be thinking.xxx
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Everyone is beautiful; make up doesn't make you attractive, you have to feel that way on the inside. Try not to compare yourself to these other girls, you shouldn't measure yourself by how you look. That is only the outside of yourself. What are your interests? Hobbies? Talents? You may need a little boost in identifying with yourself. Take a little break from your worries; go out and have fun with your friends and don't even look at the clock. Waiting around for this guy to call will only make you crazy. And if (in the meantime) someone should show an interest in you without your make up on, I would say that he is the winner! Try to relax.

I've been with this guy for about 2 months now-i know it's not a great length of time. He's a good looking guy&i would say im a good looking girl (when i've got make up on). Anyway, when i first got with him he said he's liked me for ages but i didn't really like him or even notice him to begin with. He was a lot nicer then. As he was so nice&thought he'd treat mt well, i decided to get with him. Now he doesn't ringh on time, he'll ring 2 hours late and i feel really insecure all the time. I like to be stable in a relationship! It feels like we're always just about to finish, but then when i c him he's great&everythings back to normal. Am i being paranoid or do i need to move on. He always gets girls around him that are pretty to. That's something else that worries me, he hasn't seen me without make up yet and because im blonde, i've normally got blonde eyelashes and eyebrows and it looks awful!!! the make up i use is dark, then i look great. Please give me some advice about what i should do or be thinking.xxx
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