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Instincts are running in hair trigger mode.

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*Typical is slowly rotting away in a world filled with deception, heartache and horror*


What to do, what to do.....

I am not really sure what to do, what stance to take, alot of nervous energy, but I need a clear head for the upcoming months....I need your advice, I am stuck in a quagmire, and I am literally going down....

Let me present situation, and you tell me what you think first.


BF....Calling this chick....starting at 7 in the morning, sometimes 4-5 times a day...sometimes more....calling me before and after...checked the bill....started months ago. Said they talk about work...well, he quit that job months ago....so it isnt about work anymore....


If you find it hard to answer anything, please just answer this question:

Why would a guy call a girl at 7 in the morning?

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*Typical is slowly rotting away in a world filled with deception, heartache and horror*


What to do, what to do.....

I am not really sure what to do, what stance to take, alot of nervous energy, but I need a clear head for the upcoming months....I need your advice, I am stuck in a quagmire, and I am literally going down....

Let me present situation, and you tell me what you think first.


BF....Calling this chick....starting at 7 in the morning, sometimes 4-5 times a day...sometimes more....calling me before and after...checked the bill....started months ago. Said they talk about work...well, he quit that job months ago....so it isnt about work anymore....


If you find it hard to answer anything, please just answer this question:

Why would a guy call a girl at 7 in the morning?

Honestly, probably to say goodmorning.Take that however you want.
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"Why would a guy call a girl at 7 in the morning?"



He likes her? Having a fling with her? He is calling her 4-5 times a day to talk about work that he no longer works at? I doubt they really talked that much about work when he did work there, but I may be wrong. If he is still calling her, then yeah its no longer about work. I think you might know the answer.





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Sounds like he's having, at least, an emotional affair with her. He may not even realize how much he's become attached, until you tell him to end all contact.

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you find it hard to answer anything, please just answer this question:

Why would a guy call a girl at 7 in the morning?


I hate to put it this way, but the answer is very obvious. Why would you call another man that many times in one day? Don't be naive. Men who cheat will deny everything and find plenty of excuses.


I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I don't know im so I don't know if hes cheating but it sure sounds like that might be in the picture. Try to stay calm, you will get through this some how!! Just be glad you caught on to it before it went too far.


Have you confronted him w/the evidence? Let him know your not stupid, you don't fall for that kind of bulls***. I don't have any experience with cheaters but I know alot of people on here do so I'm sure you will get plenty of good adivce!!

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until you tell him to end all contact.


Trust me...he knows all about how I feel about this and that girl. I have yowled about her enough. He still insists I am crazy and have nothing to worry about. Yet, mysteriously, he wont cut ties with her....Gee, I wonder why.

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Of course he is going to tell you that you're crazy thats what he wants you to think. He wont cut contact with her as long as you allow it. What I mean by allowing it is for you to keep letting him lie to you on the matter. He knows you know, but you;re doing nothing about it so why should he stop?







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He's cheating... and not doing a very good job of hiding it either. You need to step up to the mike and take action.

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He's cheating.


Now, what are you going to do about it? Stand up to him and tell him to end with her completely or your relationship with him will be coming to an end real fast...

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wait...how do we know he is cheating?


We don't know for sure. But put 2 and 2 together...


Of course... you could just confront him with it or hire a private dick to stake him out. :)

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We don't know if he's cheating. Calling her all day is bad though and he should stop. Does the other girl know he has a girlfriend? I wonder what they talk about.


Since you have her number, text her from your phone by blocking your number and pretending you're your bf to see what she replies and what she's about.

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Does the other girl know he has a girlfriend


Yes, she does. Perhaps this is an inside job.


One thing is clear. BF tried to get us all to hang out but didnt bother to tell me that she is a pig that screws anything that breathes....instead, he painted her in a saintly light....she has kids and a husband....I found out later, thankfully before I made an ass of myself looking like the idiot GF while they are involved in some sort of sexual power struggle behind my back while pretending to be on some get together friend night, meanwhile I am completely oblivious...


can you imagine?! Me, befriending such a jackal without knowing it was a jackal to begin with, all of us on outings and such meanwhile hardcore groping is going on behind the potted plants?


My beautiful, special, awesome BF.....

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So what are you planning on doing? Are you going to tell him yet again that you know of these phone calls, and that you don't like it, for him just to tell you that you're crazy and they are just friends etc? It will continue to go around and around in a vicious cycle if not broken.






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Yes, she does. Perhaps this is an inside job.


One thing is clear. BF tried to get us all to hang out but didnt bother to tell me that she is a pig that screws anything that breathes....instead, he painted her in a saintly light....she has kids and a husband....I found out later, thankfully before I made an ass of myself looking like the idiot GF while they are involved in some sort of sexual power struggle behind my back while pretending to be on some get together friend night, meanwhile I am completely oblivious...


can you imagine?! Me, befriending such a jackal without knowing it was a jackal to begin with, all of us on outings and such meanwhile hardcore groping is going on behind the potted plants?


My beautiful, special, awesome BF.....


I think you just need to leave him. He sounds like a loser... calling some girl up all the time and lying about it. You can do better... much better.

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ug. My guts are are tied up. Everytime we get on the subject of her, it is a vicious cycle....with me ending up looking like a crazed jealous bitch.


Oh, he does more than lie about calling her...he has taken painstaking steps to be sure he doesnt get caught...like hiding page 4 of the bill where it shows that he called her starting at 7 am and progressing throughout most of the day....and then pretty much every day after that in the same fashion.


When questioned as to where page 4 wound up, he says, oh, maybe they forgot to mail it.....no, this wasnt me snooping. This was him asking me why his bill was so high this month....and THEN i snooped!


Luckily, I retrieved page 4 after much sleuthing...he doesnt know that I know about that one yet...

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so, where to go from here? I am almost becoming numb....meanwhile....I have this feeling that I should be playing it off like everything is just fine....and gathering evidence...but for what? He will only make me look crazy when I present it to him...and as far as issuing ultimatums.....


that will get him fogging up the windows of his car with her faster than I can blink my eyes, In my opinion....


Isnt it true, the more you bring up the source of your agitation, the more likely it will gravitate that way??

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I have this feeling that I should be playing it off like everything is just fine....and gathering evidence...but for what? He will only make me look crazy when I present it to him...and as far as issuing ultimatums.....


that will get him fogging up the windows of his car with her faster than I can blink my eyes, In my opinion....


No, you shouldn't just *play it off*... you have suspicions and they are legitimate. Time to confront him with what you know and deal with it. Putting it off will only contribute to your anxiety.


And if he *fogs up the windows* with her then so be it. You will know that you were right all along. :)

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I think you either stay in the situation, and continue to let it eat you alive. Present your info to him for him to just call you crazy, and will still keep going on. Or don't present your info to him and it will still keep going on. Or you get out of the situation. Its whatever you want to do.

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