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I'm confuesed and unsure ....

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So this guy and i hooked up for 4 months and up to a week ago he broke it off with me. I hang out out with all his friends (thats how we met). Anyways he kicked me out of his house and told me to never come by,think of him,call him or sleep over any more. Three weeks later he told one of his friends to tell me it was cool if i came back over.... Ever since then we dont talk to each other,not a word. Its really werid to be around him sometimes... He'll look at me and hang around me when i'm around...most my other guy friends said if they were in his shoes they would leave if i was around..There let me back up a little. I was sort of seeing a guy long distants whos in college and but lives in the same town i do whn he comes home.. I mean i go out to visit him any chance i get and what i have with the guy long distants is the same with the guy who wont talk to me. I guess my guy in college called this boy who i was with in town. (dont know how that happened but it did) and now i guess thats the reason why he's pissed and done with me...I like him sooo much we had a lot of fun together and i felt like we just conected on almost every thing..well now when ever i'm around him and the boys he trys to make me jealous. He does it right in front of me. and every one who talks to him about it he tells him that he does try to make me jealous. But when i'm not around he doesnt really try with girls. Now i really like his other friend that i met not tolong ago and we hang out all the time. Any time were together he get jealous or pissed,he never says anything but you can tell on his face. He also trys to tell my friends that the guys i'm intersed (like his friend) that they dont like me. Oh course i hear that from my friends and i ask the boys (that i'm intersed in if it true and they give me answer that makes sent to why they hang out with me one on one and so then if makes me think why some one would say that??? Every one says he;s doing what hes doing to make me jealous and so he can play mind games with me and have me all to himself and so no other guys i will want to be with..but my question is, is that if he says he's done with me and doesnt talk to me then why is he trying to make me jealous. I really wish he would just talk to me co i can fully understand whats going on that make him let me go other than a phone call from a ex-boy friend that he doesnt know... If you are a guy put your self in this stituation and what would this mean or what would you be trying to tell me?

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Wow... First half of that didn't make a bit of sense..


Here's what I got out of that. You and this guy was dating for 4 months and some how your ex called this boy and told him that you were still dating him. So, this pisses off the 4 month guy. So, he breaks all ties with you.


Okay.. in a way I understand why he done that. Maybe you should try to talk to him and tell him about what the hell happened. If you honestly really like him and care for him then you need to try to talk to him. Don't talk to his friends because they aren't going to make this situation any better. Until you talk to him I think you should stop hanging out over at his house and with his friends if he is not talking to you. Your making him very uncomfortable. Since you like his friend now that is going to make him jealous. He thought you were cheating on him when you were (I think you weren't anyways) and now you two broke off whatever you had and now your going after one of his friends... Not a very good move I say.


Talk to him. That is what you need to do.

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