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Losing my (self?) confidence


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Hi everyone.


I found this place by coincidence and I just wanted to have a global opinion on this by random people.


I was just wondering tonight. I never have had a "serious" relationship with someone. The fact that I worry about it makes me stressy and nervous, so I don't look relaxed to girls. Although I am 21, I never had a relationship before. I never even had a girlfriend for longer than 1 day. I never done "anything" so I fear that I am the most inexperienced man on earth at this time. If I look at statistics and other people I know it almost feels that I am "not normal" for being alone. It really psychologically heavy, it feels like I am running out of time. if you want to be alone, I agree that you are alone, but if you hate being alone for 6 or so years it starts to feel terrible.


It's not that I don't know a lot of people. They just happen to only want to be friends. I always get the same answer "you're a nice person, very sweet, but just for being friends". I go out quite often and meet LOADS of people but it just doesn't happen. Never. Or I don't see it.


Thanks, I just wanted to lift my heart a bit here. Any advice is welcome. :)




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