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Repost of "Young Alcoholic"


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in the event that the post by "Messed-Up" is deleted due to the use of profanity, I have reposted it here without expletives.


I am a law student. I used to get great grades. I had great friends, I had a challenging job. Now I am barely passing class, my friends have deserted me, and I am running so far behind at work I am in danger of being fired. This has all happened over 6 months, and if I am honest I can put almost all of it down to alcohol. I started to go out clubbing, getting drunk 4 - 5 nights a week and spending the rest of my time recovering. Not only that, but I began to get involved with some dodgy characters - club owners, bar tenders, drug dealers... I lost my virginity to some guy coz he owns the coolest club in town. It's something I will regret for the rest of my life. Although I realise all of this, I can't stop drinking. The worse my life becomes, the more I need to escape. I can't ever just have one drink - I always have to get drunk. Anyway i am writing this to warn others that alcoholism can happen to anyone, even a young, intelligent woman like myself. It's ruined my life, I'm so ####-ed.

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You have not ruined your life. But I am warning you that this forum does not allow the use of profanity here, and I'm afraid your post may be deleted by site management. I will paste and repost your post without the expletive to ensure that you will be heard.


You are RUINING, but have not RUINED your life. I encourage you to inquire if there are provisions that might allow you a temporary leave of absence from work and/or school due to medical reasons. Alcoholism IS a medical reason. The school will have to hold that reason in the utmost confidence, and you will be protected by federal privacy laws. Alcoholism is a disease, just like any other.


I encourage you to seek out Alcoholics anonymous...TODAY. I encourage you to make use of all the people at school, counselors or otherwise that are there to help you.


You must be PROACTIVE, this thing will not whip itself in the @ss, you must, and you do have the power to. I myself am fairly spiritual, and whenever I feel powerless, I find inspiration in the scriptures:


Jesus said "The Power of The Holy Spirit Lies Within You."


Alcohol in and of itself is a good thing. Used properly, it has great power to FREE the spirit. Abused, it is used to numb the spirit. My guess is that you have pain of various types that are somehow socially related that you are trying to numb with alcohol. You must confront these problems outside the club scene. It is ONLY in this way you will be true to yourself, and will ultimately find happiness.


Meaning all the power to battle our deamons lies within you, if you call on that power. You must be strong. You have it within you. While you may feel powerless right now, you have the power within you to confront this. You are the master of your own spirit. If you feel like talking off the board, e-mail me at <e-mail address removed>.



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While use of the "F" word is highly undesireable in this forum and many other places, I think it was not meant crudely in the context in which it appeared in the original post. There is profanity....and then there is PROFANITY.


We are adults here and can handle such here and there in a mild version.

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