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sleepless nites


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Talk with a doctor. If medication isn't helping (is it over the counter products or prescription strength?) then you may have some other issues to sort out; anger, pent up emotions, unresolved problems, etc. A therapist may also help you get back on track.


In the meantime; Exercise, avoid caffeine in the evening, read a good book at bedtime, and eliminate your afternoon nap (if any). This should help.

What do you people do when you really cannot sleep even if you taken a lot of sleeping pills?? Please don't reply stupid msg like jerk off
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What do you people do when you really cannot sleep even if you taken a lot of sleeping pills?? Please don't reply stupid msg like jerk off

Wow, I would have said sleeping pills but my mom always used to say a glass of wine and a hot bath and if that dont work then I suggest going to the doctor. Sorry I couldnt be more help. But try it you never know. and if your involved in a relationship try sex or even a nice long back rub.



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First of all stop taking sleeping pills! Sleeping pills are addictive, some of them (like the benzodiazipins like Mogadon, Valium, Rohypnol) will if taken in large amounts not help sleeping at all. I work with drug addicts and you wouldnt believe how many of them take huge amounts of sleeping pills - btw not for sleeping!


Furthermore in sleep which is induced by sleeping pills you will not have the same kind of rest as in natural sleep, REM is suppressed, your unconsious cannot work out its problems through dreams, which in time might lead to emotional problems.


If you cannot sleep because you have emotional problems, do address them. If you think that is not the case, I would suggest to work really hard, make yourself tired. Chop wood, go for a long run in the early evening, get up early in the morning, just work out hard. And before going to bed, do something that really relaxes you (hot bath, glass of red wine, sitting in front of a fire,...) That should get you tired and relaxed enough, to be able to sleep again.

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