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Re: my biggest mistake.


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I met Dave a year ago while I was dating someone else. I made the terrible mistake of picking the comfort of my current relationship over the happiness I would have had with Dave because I was scared. One year later, I feel exactly the same way about Dave, but I got on with my life because I thought I didn't have a choice (Dave and I didn't speak for about 5 months after I chose my ex) Now I'm seeing and living with someone else, but have been speaking to Dave on and off for the last month. I saw him the other day, and we kissed, and I know I always have and always will love him. I don't know how he feels about me, and I know if he were to tell me he still loves me, I would turn my life upside down to make the decision I should have made a year ago. Should I talk to him, or should I continue with my currect happy life, feeling like I'm always missing out on the one thing I'll always regret?

My philosiphy is You Only Live Once. You will always have that sence that your life may have been much better if you would have only went with Dave. Stop dragging this on and make your move before you loose him again. I sure would. You cant drag on the relationship that your in now, get out while its still sorta new. It wouldnt be fair the either one of you. So my advice to you is to dont waste anymore time and go for your gold hunny....



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