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In relationship but looking at another...

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Ok, last year I started seeing a guy i'd been good friends with for about 3 years. It took a while to get started because we were worried that we could ruin our friendship but we took the chance and it's been wonderful. It's my first ever serious relationship and it has also made me more confident around other guys because unless they were good friends of mine, I was very shy before. On the other hand, I don't feel I could be as relaxed with anyone apart from him because, before we liked each other, the close friendship before the relaionship sort of broke the boundaries eg. we can do pretty much anything infront of each other, can look rough as hell around each other, we can insult each other and he told me about his girlfriend troubles so I know all about his past too! haha


However, recently there has been this guy out and about that i've got to know better. Lookwise, he pretty much is my perfect guy, and my boyfriend knows this and we joke about it a lot... but a couple of nights ago, I went out with a friend and the guy, out of the blue, was with us all night.


I got on with the guy really well and although we've chatted before, it was never really in depth. I'm not a flirtacious person so didn't lead him on at all but he told my friend that he really likes me and is gutted that i'm not single. He complimented me non-stop and although I really appreciated it and wanted to say stuff back, I just couldn't because I felt guilty. Last night he invited me out with his friends at the weekend but I don't know what to do.


The relationship i'm in now is perfect. I love my boyfriend so much, I get on so well with his family and we can just be ourselves around each other so why the hell can't I get this other guy out of my mind?!

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if you're one to take chances or if you know you can get bored with relatinships easy, then take the leap from one guy to the next !


but how can you say your relationship is 'perfect'... if it was perfect than there wouldn't be any interest in other potential partners. like if you found out that your bf was obsessing over some girl then you wouldn't think the relationship was perfect.


but still, you dont really know this new guy. the fact that you and your bf had been friends before that is an awesome thing. that really helps. but this new guy.. he could be anything. once you get in a relationship with him you may find out things dont click like you thought they would. maybe once he gets past a certain 'point' in a relationship, he freaks out over any minor difficulties.


so if you do chose to stay with your bf over him..... dont try to be friends with him. he'll just continue being in your head. unless you're sure you can keep things to just a friendship.


what i would do is, concentrate on how great your relationship with your bf is, and try to get over that guy before having another 'serious' talk with him so he doesn't stay on your mind anymore... and if things get stale with your current bf, i'd switch to the new guy! but obviously you're not me.


sooo it really is normal to kind of have an obseession with some other guy if you're in a realy good relationship. maybe even things are so good in your realtionship, they're working out metholdically, reapeatedly, and what your really looking for is some excitment.... try not to get stuck in a rut ! and good luckk!

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The reason why you're looking elsewhere cause your current boyfriend was not your type to begin with. He must be one of those "Nice Guys" that weaseled his way using friendship of 1-2 years to finally ask you out. I dislike women who agree to this and men who do this because guess what, the truth remains:


If he was a real man he'd sweep you up within a couple weeks/months than an entire year or two. Dump the dude. trust me you'll feel much better.

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