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why i hate boys


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Okay, for anyone here who isn't a cybernerd, a sad, internet junkie (like myself) or a really scary person, I'd just like to say this: Boys are bad. They never know what they want, let alone who. They get scared of commitment, and so let go of some of the most sensational girls and (regretting it later) stay single. Those girls, sit around, over analysing what they must have done wrong to make the relationship end. When , in fact, they only followed their hearts, and so obviously scared the boy away. Why do you boys want to deny yourselves happiness?? Don't you know how wonderful it is to be held by someone who really cares about you? Don't you want to be loved, in some miniscule way?? I just dont' understand. I get scared. All girls get scared But we are willing to deal with the fear-only with you, rather than without. It can be done. It's too bad you let go of us before you give yourself the chance to realize how nice it is to be really with someone. You never let anyone inside-you're too afraid of vulnerability. Hot tip: Girls see it, like it, and will be there for you. We are your best friends. And the sooner you realize that, the better.

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Okay, for anyone here who isn't a cybernerd, a sad, internet junkie (like myself) or a really scary person, I'd just like to say this: Boys are bad. They never know what they want, let alone who. They get scared of commitment, and so let go of some of the most sensational girls and (regretting it later) stay single. Those girls, sit around, over analysing what they must have done wrong to make the relationship end. When , in fact, they only followed their hearts, and so obviously scared the boy away. Why do you boys want to deny yourselves happiness?? Don't you know how wonderful it is to be held by someone who really cares about you? Don't you want to be loved, in some miniscule way?? I just dont' understand. I get scared. All girls get scared But we are willing to deal with the fear-only with you, rather than without. It can be done. It's too bad you let go of us before you give yourself the chance to realize how nice it is to be really with someone. You never let anyone inside-you're too afraid of vulnerability. Hot tip: Girls see it, like it, and will be there for you. We are your best friends. And the sooner you realize that, the better.

Dear Laura,


Cliche right here : Not all men are like that. A lot of them are looking for a real chance to commit themselves to a loving woman. On the other hand you can always find people that just want a flirt. They will reach out and when it gets serious, run away because they can't handle a real relation. It's sad, but I don't think it's a real men's problem. And in addition, referring to the title of you mail, don't hate them, rather pity them.


Best Regards,



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I completely understand. I've spent many a night wondering and being angry. Then again, I know plenty of girls who have the same problem that you're referring to here.


I came to the realization, though, that what it really takes is the right person. When you finally meet someone who fits, and who at least attempts to be an adult, you try to work through any anxieties or problems either of you might have. I think one of the goals in forming an adult relationship is the ability to confront someone about something that's bothering you without losing the relationship entirely.


You can't really dictate to a person what level of maturity they should be at, though. I guess what works for me is that I stopped over-analyzing and mulling about things and I just let it go. How refreshing.


C. :)

Okay, for anyone here who isn't a cybernerd, a sad, internet junkie (like myself) or a really scary person, I'd just like to say this: Boys are bad. They never know what they want, let alone who. They get scared of commitment, and so let go of some of the most sensational girls and (regretting it later) stay single. Those girls, sit around, over analysing what they must have done wrong to make the relationship end. When , in fact, they only followed their hearts, and so obviously scared the boy away. Why do you boys want to deny yourselves happiness?? Don't you know how wonderful it is to be held by someone who really cares about you? Don't you want to be loved, in some miniscule way?? I just dont' understand. I get scared. All girls get scared But we are willing to deal with the fear-only with you, rather than without. It can be done. It's too bad you let go of us before you give yourself the chance to realize how nice it is to be really with someone. You never let anyone inside-you're too afraid of vulnerability. Hot tip: Girls see it, like it, and will be there for you. We are your best friends. And the sooner you realize that, the better.
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