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bi girlfriend.

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i've been goin out with my gf now for nearly a year and its been pretty much eprfect. iv been away at college now and we've still managed to get along fine for the most part. however, recently she told me that she has been having "bi-curious" thoughts since she was eleven. and that recently she had a more intense one. i dunno how i should be taking this, but i'm a generally conservative guy and so its been bothering me a lot. i feel like she has somehow cahnged drastically, and yet she insists that she's still the same person. is it wrong that im thinking this way? is it wrong that ifeel betrayed? i'm seein her htis weekend and i hope that actually seein her will reassure me some and hopefully end the problem. its kinda hard to deal with somethin like this when we're not in the same area. so ya please any thoughts would help a lot thanks.

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Don't feel alone on this one because I have been going out with my girlfriend for five months. WHen we was on our third month together we we're talking and laying in bed I asked her "Why don't you tell me something that you have never told anyone else"...and when she though she replied by telling me she had been having bisexual thoughts since she was 11...and not only that she had had a bi experience with one of her friends. Then as she said that I felt awkward and betrayed but I didn;t say anything about how it bothered me because I thought she might think I hated her. ANyway now just last week she did bisexual things with her friend while I was in the room...It felt weird and I love her so much i hated it..but afterwards she felt guilty and wished she never done it...I still don't know what to think. I love her ore than anything.

i've been goin out with my gf now for nearly a year and its been pretty much eprfect. iv been away at college now and we've still managed to get along fine for the most part. however, recently she told me that she has been having "bi-curious" thoughts since she was eleven. and that recently she had a more intense one. i dunno how i should be taking this, but i'm a generally conservative guy and so its been bothering me a lot. i feel like she has somehow cahnged drastically, and yet she insists that she's still the same person. is it wrong that im thinking this way? is it wrong that ifeel betrayed? i'm seein her htis weekend and i hope that actually seein her will reassure me some and hopefully end the problem. its kinda hard to deal with somethin like this when we're not in the same area. so ya please any thoughts would help a lot thanks.
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I'd be a little troubled myself. She could one day go completely the other way.


I'd cease dating her until all her curiosity is totally out of the way.


Dating someone who has a sexual identity crisis is not my idea of a good time and it doesn't sound like it's yours either. But be nice to her for being honest. It took a lot of courage for her to admit her feelings so have respect for that and honor her privacy.

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A lot of women do have bi-fantasies sometimes during their maturing, this does not mean that they are really bi-sexual or homosexual though. Havent you had some sexual fantasies which did turn you on as a fantasy but which you would never consider doing in real life? I have!


It can be just one of those fantasies. Sure it could be more, but the danger of loosing a partner is always there, be it to another man, another woman, splitting because something has gone wrong in a relationsship or at the very latest when one of the two dies.


If I were you, I wouldnt work myself into a state over a fantasy as long as she is not doing it in real-life (or going as far as doing it in cyberspace). A lot of people do have fantasies, sexual or otherwise, they will never ever really want to do. Its like loads of people occasionaly have fantasies about other people (stars for example), but even given the opportunity would never do it.


But do tell her, that her fantasies make you feel insecure and that you are scared of loosing her. Her reaction to this will tell you a lot. Take it easy.

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well it does make me feel weird, but i'm getti used to it now i guess... mainly i feel guilty for thinkin less highly of her cuz of this... i'lla cknowledge my igorance in this PC world but i conside rit a sorta flaw. she always tels me about how shes told people shes known and theyve come to terms with ita lready... andim like well no ##### theyre not intimate with you. my biggest problem is having to remember that she is (i think back on the times we watched porno for fun and find it really weird taht half th etime she may have been lookin at the girsl) and also having to adjust my own negative attitudes towards all that. basically she says that its just a curiosity and taht she can't see it changing anythng in real life. she says she hasnt lost any interest in me and that the fact that im worrying over her goin with anotehr girl is just like me worrying she'll go wit hanotehr guy... which i havent really for a while. i dont wanna stop dating cuz this kidna thing is big to me, but not big enoug hto stop what we got.

i've been goin out with my gf now for nearly a year and its been pretty much eprfect. iv been away at college now and we've still managed to get along fine for the most part. however, recently she told me that she has been having "bi-curious" thoughts since she was eleven. and that recently she had a more intense one. i dunno how i should be taking this, but i'm a generally conservative guy and so its been bothering me a lot. i feel like she has somehow cahnged drastically, and yet she insists that she's still the same person. is it wrong that im thinking this way? is it wrong that ifeel betrayed? i'm seein her htis weekend and i hope that actually seein her will reassure me some and hopefully end the problem. its kinda hard to deal with somethin like this when we're not in the same area. so ya please any thoughts would help a lot thanks.
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