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ever say "I'll never dump em" and then do it?


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WHat should everybody get from a relationship? WHy doesn't anybody sty together anymore? everybody breaks up...im starting to think why bother if everything ends up in a break up. I am dating a girl and it's been 5 months and we're both saying we'll never ever break up..but I listen to everybody else say that too and then then end up breaking up.

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Almost everybody goes into relationships with the very best of intentions and highest of hopes for them to be long lasting. That's what most people work towards.


The purpose of dating is to find that special person who can afford us the opportunity of having a fulfilling, long term relationship. Not everyone fits that bill. We go as long as we can until we discover incompatibilities and issues with which we cannot or don't want to deal.


That's the purpose of it all and that's how it's supposed to work. But if we went into everything with a very negative attitude, things would never work. So we look brightly at the beginning of each new encounter, hoping that IT will be THE ONE. Very often, we have to go through this more than just a few times until things work out right for both people.

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