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Need Physical Self Improvement

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Well, I want to improve myself physically and etc.


So far, I weigh 193 lbs, I am 16 years old (Sophomore in HS, going into Junior year), I am 5ft 8in (Or so, been awhile since I last measured) I am not muscular in my upper body, I have brown eyes, olive colored skin, and brown curly hair and am italian.


I know english and a little bit of spanish and I live in the southwest and maintain a 3.3 GPA


I have had 2 girlfreinds, the first broke up with me, I broke up with the second


I want to be more appealing to girls, because so far I have been aiming kind of low on who I date, and nothing much has really come from the relationships.


So far I know I need to lose alot of weight, so I have already gone on a diet


I need to get rid of my acne, I am using ProActiv


I need to bulk up a little bit, so I have been going to the YMCA and have been doing the tread mill, and lifted weights


and I am not sure about where I should have hair and where should be shaved, so I was wondering....


Could you all please help me by giving me some tips or telling me what I should change? My picture is below, I took it in the morning, so it is a pretty onest picture, and yes, I have man-boobs and need to get rid of them... Could you also tell me what kind of excersise I should do to get rid of this fat?


I am trying to be as honest as possible, but this is really hard for me....


Thank you, please be as honest and helpful as possible.


EDIT: I also wanted to know what clothes might look good on me.... I usually wear jeans and button up shirts.

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lol 5'8" 193 lbs and you want to bulk up?


I think losing about 30-40lbs before you start looking good is at call here.

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